New Community facilities for Brockhill

New Community Facilities for Brockhill 
Since it was created Brockhill Residents Association has been working to secure some community facilities in Brockhill. Whilst we have lots of open space there is no equipped play area or community hall. One of our key aims has been to ensure that when future development occurs community facilities are provided through something called a Section 106 agreement (essentially a contribution by the developer to offset the impact of the development). 
As covered in the press on 9 December Persimmon have been given permission to build a further 296 homes, extending the Pointers Way estate, there will also be some future business units. Details are available on the council website.
As part of the application it was agreed that as well as more public open space, there would be an equipped play area, a site for the relocation of Holyoakes School and following our work with the council plot No. 148 will be a bungalow style building for community use. This building will stay in use until permanent community facilities are provided as part of a Brockhill district centre which would be in a later phase of development. 
The building will be able to be used for clubs and societies, youth activities eg scouts, social events and meetings.
We think this is an important development for our community in Brockhill and will continue to work with the Council and developer to progress this proposal.