A.G.M. Minutes 7th March 2016

BROCKHILL RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at the Batchley Community Centre on Monday March 7th 2016


In Attendance:

Committee: Sylvia Collinson, David Dallaway, Lynn Dallaway, James Doble, Tisha Greenway, Julie Vincent​.

Members: Karen Baxter, Russell Baxter, Matt Collinson, Robin Dennis, Graham Haynes, Marion Haynes, Shirley Jobson, Peter Merricks, Robert Merry, Susan Merry, Stephen Siddle, Mike Vincent, Doug Wilks.

Non Members: Olivia Baxter, David Healey.

Councillors: Mayor & RBC Pattie Hill, WCC Robin Lunn, WCC Graham Vickery.




Apologies were received from John Dallaway and Angela Preece. Graham Vickery advised he would have to leave early to attend another meeting.


Adopt Minutes of Previous AGM:


David Dallaway apologised that printed copies of last year’s AGM minutes were not available. However, he pointed out that a copy had rested on the Association’s website for over 9 months and hoped all in attendance had had chance to read them. His offer to read out the minutes was declined and they were then duly adopted.

Receive, Adopt and Approve Accounts:

The Treasurer’s report was circulated for inspection by members. David Dallaway pointed out that the accounts covered a period of only 11 months because this year’s AGM was taking place somewhat earlier than the previous year’s. No income had been received in the 11 months, thus illustrating that the annual cost of running the website and hosting the AGM approached £150. The Association does not levy an annual membership fee, so it is vital that as many members as possible support our quizzes since these are currently our only fund raising events. Cash at bank was currently £751 and some of this will be used to print new membership leaflets.

The Accounts were received, adopted and approved by members.

David Dallaway thanked Sylvia Collinson for her work as Treasurer.




Report on Year’s Achievements:


David Dallaway ran through the Association’s main achievements since last year’s AGM:-


• With the much appreciated assistance of Robin Lunn, 99% of all the roads (excepting the new Pointers Way development) have now been adopted. Only Turnpike Lane and Wheatcroft Close remain unadopted, but these just await completion and submission of a form by Persimmon Homes South Midlands.

• A Brockhill Residents’ Association Facebook Page has been established that continues to enjoy a large number of hits. It incorporates a “Lost Pets” section and an early warning system for crime related incidents. David Dallaway thanked James Doble for his work on setting this up.

• Access improvements have been made to the green footbridge leading from Carthorse Lane to Appletree Lane spanning Brockhill Drive.

• “Swan Watch” in Brockhill Park/Wetlands area – “No fishing” signs have now been erected around the pool at our request by RBC.

• Traffic calming measures have been installed in Salters Lane near to the Brockhill Park entrance.

• Early installation of Superfast Broadband. Peter Merricks was thanked by David Dallaway for his work on liaising with the Worcestershire project team.

• Organisation of a “Litter Pick” (part of the “Clean for the Queen” campaign). It will take place this coming Saturday and all were urged to participate.

• “No through road” sign erected at entrance to Marchwood Close. However residents claim that the sign is too high and needs re-positioning.

• Robin Lunn confirmed that work on new pathways on both sides of the traffic island at the junction of Brockhill Drive/Lily Green Lane were due to commence after April this year.

• Approval for the granting of a community facility by Persimmon Homes South Midlands. Members of the committee, together with Robin Lunn, were meeting with Kate Tait, Strategic Planning Director Persimmon Homes South Midlands, on March 11th to discuss this and to receive an update on future development plans for Pointers Way.

Executive Committee Elections:

In accordance with the Constitution, three committee members must resign at each AGM. Sylvia Collinson – Treasurer, Julie Vincent – Secretary and Tisha Greenway tendered their resignation but all were available for re-election. Attendees were asked if there were any other proposals for election to the committee but none was forthcoming. The three existing committee members were proposed for re-election by Robin Dennis and seconded by Mike Vincent.

Future Objectives:

James Doble outlined our future main objectives:

• Growth of membership with a particular emphasis on targeting residents of Pointers Way.

• Development of community facilities.

• Funding of a third community notice board for Pointers Way.

• Quiz Night

• New post boxes for Pointers Way.

• “Open spaces” naming competition.

• Production of “Walks around Brockhill” leaflets and maps.

• Expediting adoption of roads on Pointers Way.

• Growth of relationship with Persimmon Homes South Midlands.

• Safety improvements to be made around the gate at the top of the steps leading from Brockhill Lane up to the Nature Reserve.

• Creation of new path in Lily Green Lane at the road traffic island for safer crossing.

• Traffic calming measures in Salters Lane at the junction with Oaktree Avenue.

• Re-installation of staggered barriers at the Salters Lane end of Brockhill Park.

• Re-installation of litter bins around Brockhill Park


The state of the derelict farmhouse and barns, situated next to the Pointers Way Development, was raised by several members. The farmhouse was set alight several years ago. The barns and remaining outbuildings are in a very poor state of repair, posing a safety risk. A number of the surrounding protective barriers have collapsed thus enabling easy access to the buildings, particularly by children. It was established that Persimmon Homes are still responsible for access to this land. We will be voicing our concerns at the aforementioned meeting with Kate Tait on March 11th and will request repair of the protective fencing.

Peter Merricks raised the issue of RBC spending section 106 monies, arising from Persimmon’s Oaklands development, on areas outside Brockhill. James Doble said this was not illegal and nothing could now be done about it. However, we must ensure that section 106 monies in relation to the Pointers Way development are used specifically for the benefit of the Brockhill community.

Matt Collinson voiced his concern about the speeding traffic along Salters Lane on the bend near to the entrance to Brockhill Park. “It is an accident waiting to happen”, he said, as children on scooters and bicycles emerge from the Park on to the busy road. There needs to be a crossing or traffic calming measures put in place. Many people use this route to cross over to get to the shops, playground and bus stop. Robin Lunn said that speed bumps could not be installed as it is on a bus route. However he agreed to investigate what monies may be available to provide another method of traffic calming.

A number of members had heard and or seen cars being raced around Brockhill, particularly along Brockhill Drive. Pattie Hill strongly urged reporting of all such instances to her and/or the police, giving details of place and time, immediately they are witnessed.

An enquiry was made as to whether there would be a bus route through Pointers Way once the new school had been built. Robin Lunn replied that this issue would be addressed nearer the time of completion of the school. Whichever bus company was then in operation would be approached.

Several dog walking members had experienced sheep in the field behind Parklands Close. It was confirmed by Pattie Hill that warning notices to keep dogs on a lead were the responsibility of the landowning farmer. Similarly the repair of a broken entrance stile was also the farmer’s responsibility.

Pattie Hill read out a list of forthcoming events, activities and community projects of interest and benefit to people in the Redditch area.

The meeting ended at 8.35 p.m.