April 2014

Minutes of Meeting Wednesday April 9th 2014


Those present:-


Sylvia Collinson   SC

Julie Vincent   JV

David Dallaway   DD

Lynn Dallaway   LD



Apologies from :-


Tisha Greenway, Brenda Quinney and Lisa Laurent


The Agenda:-


1. Recruitment of a new Chairperson and Membership Secretary

2. Membership Leaflets, Printing and Distribution

3. Sale of Waste Land by RBC

4. Forthcoming Events

5. Reduced Lighting

6. Bulletin for Prospective Candidate Nominees for the Local Election

7. A.O.B.






Actions from this meeting:


JV to send e-mail to Robin and Brenda to inform them of changes to the committee



1. Recruitment of new Chairperson and Membership Secretary:


Most members will now be aware, having read the AGM minutes, that three of our committee members resigned at that meeting.  Chairman, Peter Merricks, resigned due to pressure at work and family commitments.  He also felt that it would be beneficial to B.R.A. if people, with new ideas and a fresh approach, could join the committee.  Doug Wilks, our Membership Secretary, resigned due to ill health.  A third member, James Doble, also resigned due to long working hours and his studying for a Law Degree.  James will continue to advise us on legal matters.  Since the AGM a fourth member has resigned.  Lisa Laurent, Events Co-ordinator has resigned due to her work commitments and having two young children.


We are therefore hoping to recruit new committee members as soon as possible, so please come forward if you feel you have the time to give for the benefit of our local community.  We would like to welcome Tisha Greenway, who offered her services at the A.G.M.


2. Membership Leaflets – Printing and Distribution:


It is our intention to print and distribute leaflets to new residents living in Brockhill East, to make them aware of our Residents’ Association and the success that we have achieved in the year since we formed. The need to grow the membership is paramount to the Association, to give us more strength to stand up for our rights.  We found out recently that Batchley receives regular donations from both WCC and RBC and, as Brockhill is expanding daily in numbers of residents but not in facilities, this is essential to the well-being of our community.


3. Sale of Waste Land by RBC:


We have found out recently, by chance from a resident of Carthorse Lane, that RBC has offered to sell him land at the rear of his house for approximately £500.  The Council is offering to sell several plots to house owners who have waste land behind their gardens.  We understand that this land was for the leisure of Brockhill residents to use for dog walking etc. and we will be informing the Council that we are extremely upset that their intentions were not made public.  On a positive note, however, this may aid the road adoption process.


4. Forthcoming Events:


Unfortunately due to the Events Co-ordinator resigning, we have had to cancel the Quiz Nights and the Party in the Park.  However, we hope to be able to resume our social calendar when we gain more committee members.


5. Reduced Lighting:


If any members have concerns about the proposed reduced lighting system being introduced by RBC, please let us know.  If you think that a certain lamppost should be kept on or turned off, the Council have asked us to make them aware.


6. Bulletin for Prospective Candidate Nominees for the Local Election:


The committee has decided not to proceed with the bulletin, suggested by Peter Merricks at the AGM, concerning the nomination of an independent candidate for Brockhill at the forthcoming local elections.  It was felt strongly that such an action would be in direct conflict with Brenda Quinney, the Batchley and Brockhill Councillor and fellow BRA committee member.  Brenda is a regular attendee at our meetings and has been very helpful in local issues.


The meeting ended at 9.30



Post- meeting note:  Regretfully due to a communication breakdown, the bulletin referred to in agenda item 6 above was published on the website.  The committee apologises to all members for this administrative error.