June 2014

Minutes of Meeting Monday June 2nd 2014


Those present:-


David Dallaway   DD

Lynn Dallaway   LD

Sylvia Collinson   SC

Julie Vincent   JV

Tish Greenway   TG



In Attendance :-


WCC Robin Lunn and CC Pattie Hill


The Agenda:-


1. Progress on the adoption of roads

2. Brenda’s letter to RBC with regard to the 106 Agreement

3. Notice Boards

4. Printing of Membership Leaflets and Quiz Bulletin

5. Venue and date for Quiz Night

6. Update on Sainsbury’s Traffic Island Markings

7. Website maintenance and control

8. Feedback to Karen Lumley on her Funding Fair

9. A.O.B.  (To include Russell Baxter’s request re: Nature Reserve)




Actions from this meeting:


DD to contact Doug Wilks to discuss a new membership form and Quiz Night poster

SC to contact the local Community Halls to discuss booking for a Quiz Night

JV to e mail Karen Lumley with regard to the Feedback on the Funding Fair


1. Progress on the adoption of roads:

Robin Lunn attended a meeting recently with the Highways Officers and was told that adoption of all remaining roads in Brockhill West and Central will be completed by 1 July.  Notices will be displayed on several lampposts in the Wheelers Lane area informing residents of the intended adoption of the roads.  This will provide an opportunity for any residents to object if they so wish.  Robin said that it seems Persimmon have learnt from their mistakes with regard to the roads’ adoption having taken so long.  They have taken out a section 38 order on the new Pointers Way estate in Brockhill East, which will make the adoption of these roads a lot quicker.


2. Brenda Quinney’s letter to RBC with regard to the 106 Agreement:

Brenda Quinney recently sent a letter to Ruth Bamford, head of Planning and Regeneration at RBC, asking why the money set aside in the 106 agreement between Persimmon and RBC, had not been spent in Brockhill.  Ruth said that the money had been spent in Batchley and on the Abbey Stadium instead.  An article printed in The Standard dated Friday 23 May 2014, explained that money had been spent on improving existing facilities in Batchley for the benefit of everyone in the area.  We are concerned that, as Brockhill grows further to the east, the play area facilities in Batchley will be too far away for young children to walk to.   With ever more emphasis on exercise and leaving the car at home for the sake of the environment and for the health of future generations, it is to be hoped that Ruth Bamford will take this into consideration when planning the next phase of development.

One our members, Peter Joynes, had asked whether we should organise a petition objecting to the 106 agreement monies being spent in areas other than Brockhill.  Pattie Hill advised that any such petition would not achieve anything.  However, she said that it was important to ensure that 106 monies set aside following the Pointers Way and any future developments were used specifically for the benefit of Brockhill.


3. Notice Boards:

We have been granted the funding for a Community Notice Board by RBC so that we can display posters etc. of forthcoming events and hopefully advertise to increase our membership.  We told Robin Lunn that we had originally applied for three notice boards, so that we could have them erected in various areas of Brockhill.  As RBC had only granted us one board, Robin kindly agreed to fund a second.  We have decided to have one erected in Brockhill Park, near to the steps leading up to Kite Lane, and the other placed in Carthorse Lane where the Polling Station is situated.  The RBC funded board has been ordered from the supplier and we hope to have both installed by autumn.


4. Printing of Membership Leaflets and Quiz Bulletin:

In the hope of attracting more members, we are in the process of designing a new membership leaflet that will also incorporate a Quiz Night Bulletin.  We are planning to have them delivered within a local newspaper, all across Brockhill, including the Pointers Way new housing estate.


5. Venue and date for Quiz Night:

We decided at the meeting to hold the next Quiz Night in mid-October.  We hope by that time to have increased the membership and Committee.  We are looking at hiring one of the Batchley Social Clubs or Schools for the venue as we do not have anywhere in Brockhill.  This will at least be nearer for residents than our previous venue at Tardebigge.


6. Update on Sainsbury’s Traffic Island Markings:

We informed Robin that the markings have still not been amended in the left hand lane when approaching the island from Brockhill.  He said he would chase this up.  Robin also confirmed that Persimmon would finish the tarmacking of the Butlers Hill traffic island once the Pointers Way development had been completed.


7. Website maintenance and control:

Doug Wilks has kindly agreed to maintain the existing website until September by which time the son of our Treasurer, Sylvia Collinson, should have been able to design a new one.


8. Feedback to Karen Lumley on her Funding Fair:

Karen Lumley’s Funding Fair had been attended by Doug Wilks and Brenda Quinney some weeks ago, but as neither of them was at the meeting, we are unable to give any feedback to Karen.  An email has been sent to Karen informing her of this.


9. A.O.B:

SC received the remittance advice from RBC for the Stronger Communities Grant of £300.  We have a balance now in our account of £792.

Russ Baxter requested, by email, that we ask for some signs to be erected in the Nature Reserve situated between Wheelers Lane and Pointers Way Estate.  The signs should read “Take your rubbish home” and “Don’t allow your dog to foul”.  We also asked Robin and Pattie for some dog mess bins to be placed in the same area.  They agreed to put in a request.  Pattie said she would send a reply to Russ by email.

We informed Robin and Pattie that the gate in Brockhill Lane has still not been replaced.  Robin said that he will chase this for us.


The meeting ended at 9.50 p.m.