February 2017

BROCKHILL RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATIONMinutes of Meeting Monday February 13th 2017


Those Present:

David Dallaway​​​DD

Lynn Dallaway​​​LD

Sylvia Collinson​​​SC

Julie Vincent​​​JV

Tisha Greenway​​​TG


Apologies from James Doble (JD), Robin Lunn (RL) and Graham Vickery (GV)​


Guests in attendance: – WCC & RBC Pattie Hill (PH)




The Agenda:



1. Actions from last meeting

2. New members

3. Nature Reserve

4. New committee members

5. New Holyoakes Field First School

6. Maintenance of website

7. Fence along pathway between Brockhill Lane & Wheelers Lane

8. Date for A.G.M.

9. Litter Pick

10. A.O.B.


1. Actions from last meeting:


• Several actions arising from last July’s meeting were the responsibility of RL and GV. As they were both unable to attend this evening’s meeting, DD would e-mail RL requesting an update.

• Installation of litter bin on the pathway adjacent to Greenford Close – PH was unaware that the bin she had requested had not been provided and will now chase this up.

• The gaps on either side of the gated entrance at the top of the steps leading from Brockhill Lane to the Nature Reserve had still not been blocked in. PH will chase this up again. 

• PH had obtained a quote from RBC’s printers for 1,000 membership leaflets but unfortunately this proved to be uncompetitive.

• DD had exchanged several e-mails with Royal Mail concerning the provision of a post box on the Pointers Way estate. Their last response stated, “as part of our regulatory requirements, we must ensure that there is a post-box within half a mile of at least 98% of all ‘delivery points’ (usually a customer’s letter-box) nationally, and this distance is measured as the crow flies. As there are currently a number of post boxes in the area within a 0.5 mile radius of your address I am sorry to advise that it is unlikely that a new box will be installed at this time. The details of your request have however been forwarded to the relevant manager for future consideration.” A copy of this e-mail was passed to PH. 

• The Quiz Night was held on 8th October at the Batchley Community Centre. Much needed funds were raised to enable the continued financing of the Association and its website.

• The street light in the public open space between Parklands Close and Appletree Lane had been repaired.

• The rubbish bin near the Carthorse Lane post box had been replaced.

• The hosting renewal fee for the Association’s website had been paid. SC reported that the current provider’s fees were expensive and alternative sources would be considered before this September’s renewal.


2. New members:


Registrations from new members continue to be received via our website following the leaflet distribution campaign and people accessing our Facebook page. Total membership now exceeds 340. DD asked SC if he could have access to the members’ details as currently he only receives notification of e-mail addresses. SC would remind our website administrator, Jules Collinson, to send DD details of joiners and resignations each month.


3. Nature Reserve:
One of our members had reported that he believed that the Nature Reserve remained unadopted. DD had contacted RL whose understanding was that it had been adopted. However, as he was not a Borough Councillor, RL had asked PH to find out definitively and update us at this evening’s meeting. Unfortunately PH had mistakenly thought RL was referring to Brockhill Park and not the Nature Reserve, which is bordered by Brockhill Lane and Plumstead Close. PH will now come back to us on this.

4. New committee members:

To comply with our Constitution, two committee members must resign at each AGM, albeit they can stand for re-election. SC gave advance notice of her resignation as unfortunately she would no longer be able to serve on the committee. The Constitution allows for a maximum of nine committee members compared with our current number of seven. It is to be hoped that the sizeable increase in Association membership, following our recruitment drive, will enable the recruitment of new blood at the A.G.M. DD suggested we send out an e-mail to all members ahead of the AGM asking them to consider becoming a member of the committee. Vacancies exist for a chairperson and website administrator but anybody wishing to help their local community will be very welcome.

5. New Holyoakes Field First School:

PH confirmed that planning permission had been granted for the School’s dropping off point and in/out driveway. The school is due to be opened at Easter 2018. Concerns continue about parking in Cookridge Close, and other surrounding roads, by parents and guardians when dropping off and picking up their children. A non-member of the Association had recently informed us that there was a covenant in the property deeds of Pointers Way houses stating that parking of vehicles was not permitted in the road. DD agreed to ask this person if they could kindly provide us with a copy of this covenant.

6. Maintenance of website:

SC said that her son, Jules, will continue to maintain the website until a new committee member comes forward to take it over (see item 4. above). SC reiterated the need to find a cheaper website hosting company (see last bullet point in 1. above).

7. Fence along pathway between Brockhill Lane & Wheelers Lane:

DD recently encountered one of our members whose back garden borders the fence running along the pathway between Brockhill Lane and Wheelers Lane. It was reported at last July’s meeting that this fence was in a poor state of repair and in danger of collapsing on to the pathway. Although it is RBC’s responsibility, our member has repaired the fence at his own cost. DD provided PH with the member’s e-mail address so that she could thank him for his kind efforts.

8. Date for the A.G.M.

A suitable date and venue were discussed. We are restricted to Monday evenings at the Batchley Community Centre, which at present is the most suitable local venue. It was decided to hold it in April as March is only a fortnight away. JV will see which Mondays are available in April, taking into account the dates for Easter.

9. Litter Pick:

We discussed holding another Litter Pick after last years ‘Clean For The Queen’ success. It was decided that a Saturday morning after May 4th would be best. JV will contact Wayne Beard of RBC to arrange the borrowing of litter picks, gloves and bags.

10. A.O.B.

PH distributed copies of “The Future of Acute Hospital Services in Worcestershire Public Consultation Survey.” Further information was available from: www.worcsfuturehospitals.co.uk


Actions from this meeting:

• DD to e-mail RL concerning updates on matters arising from previous meeting.

• PH to pursue request for a litter bin for pathway adjacent to Greenford Close.

• PH to pursue the blocking in of the gaps on either side of the gated entrance at the top of the steps leading from Brockhill Lane to the Nature Reserve.

• Jules Collinson to send DD details (name and postal address) of new and resigning members each month.

• PH to find out whether or not the Nature Reserve has been adopted.

• All members to be contacted before the A.G.M. asking for volunteers to join the committee.

• DD to ask Pointers Way resident for a copy of the parking covenant contained within their property deeds.

• PH to contact member living in Brockhill Lane thanking him for the fence repair.

• JV to book Batchley Community Centre for A.G.M.

• JV to arrange Litter Pick.


The meeting ended at 9.30 pm.