BDC Planning Application Details/Foxlydiate Arms

Dear Members
Some of you may have received this letter (link below) from Bromsgrove District Council, with details of the Planning Application which has been made by Whitbread, who own the Foxlydiate Arms and the surrounding land which it is built on.  The Committee have been trying to oppose these plans, which will take away our only nearby Pub and restaurant, on the grounds that it will leave us with nowhere for our social needs.  We feel that our area has been over-run with new houses now, far more than the Governments initial requirement it has been revealed, and our road infrastructure will not be able to cope with even more houses.
There is a Facebook Group called ‘Save the Foxlydiate Arms’ which has residents from Webheath also opposing the proposal, which you can see the details of in the attached letter, which I received a few days ago.
It sounds like the plans may be passed without a public consultation, if we’re not careful, as in the current COVD-19 Pandemic situation, we cannot attend a meeting.
The Case Officer, Mr Anthony Young can be contacted to voice our objections to the plans and you can also register your objections on the BDC Website Planning Department, by searching for the planning reference number given on the letter attached. I think it would be more effective, if we can all ring or e mail Anthony Young though.
Please support our efforts to keep our local pub.  If Whitbread don’t get their plans passed, they won’t be able to sell to Developers and we can save the historic building from being bulldozed.  They will hopefully then sell it to another Brewery.
Keep safe in this difficult time.
Best Regards

Julie Vincent

Brockhill Residents’ Association