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Brockhill East – adoption of roads

County Councillor Robin Lunn, has advised us that in early July, he will be having discussions with Martin Brown of Worcs. County Council, regarding the completion and adoption of the roads on the Brockhill East  (Pointer’s Way)  estate.   We will report any progress on the website.

A.G.M. Minutes 11th May 2015

Brockhill Residents’ Association AGM held at The Batchley Community Centre on Monday 11th May 2015



1.     Introductions

2.     Agree  minutes of previous year’s AGM

3.     Treasurer’s report

4.     Report on year’s achievements

5.     Executive committee elections

6.     Future objectives

7.     A.O.B.


The Committee in attendance:-

James Doble                        JD

David Dallaway                                    DD

Lynn Dallaway                    LD

Sylvia Collinson                                    SC

Julie Vincent                        JV

Tish Greenway                    TG


Apologies received from members Angie Preece, Paul Kimberley and Lorayne Kimberley.



The Committee Members introduced themselves to the eleven members present, who also included WCC Robin Lunn, CC Pattie Hill and CC Natalie Brookes.  JD had agreed to be Spokesperson for the evening and he explained that our Chairman had resigned at the last AGM and that we were still looking to replace him.  Our Membership Secretary had also resigned at the last AGM.


The minutes from last year’s AGM were read out by JD and agreed.  Due to a change in websites half way through the year, these minutes were not currently able to be viewed.  This oversight would now be rectified.


Committee Treasurer, Sylvia Collinson, gave her account of the fund activities, which were also printed out for members to examine.  A copy of the accounts is posted on the website.



DD highlighted the main achievements since the last AGM:-


·       New website – thanks to Jules Collinson for creating and running.

·       Adoption of roads – thanks to Robin Lunn for his considerable work on this.  Robin confirmed that, excluding Pointers Way, the only two roads not yet adopted were Turnpike Lane and Wheatcroft Close.  The process for these last two should be completed in the next couple of weeks.

·       Two community notice boards kindly funded by RBC and WCC (Robin’s discretionary fund).

·       Improvement of Sainsbury’s traffic island road markings.

·       New steps and gated entrance off Brockhill Lane into the nature reserve plus the installation of dog mess bins – thanks to Pattie Hill for her efforts in this area.

·       New road signs for Brockhill at the Tardebigge end of Brockhill Drive.

·       Quiz Night in October raised £165 for association funds – thanks to sponsorship/donations from JGS Autos, Tesco, Morrisons, Wilkinson, Robin’s Bike Den, Winyates Chippy and various committee members.

·       Scheduled hedge trimming at the Butler’s Hill Lane traffic island.



David Dallaway, Lynn Dallaway and Brenda Quinney stood down (as required by the Constitution).  Members were asked if they would like to stand for election, but nobody volunteered.  David Dallaway, Lynn Dallaway, James Doble and Angie Preece stood for election. They were proposed by Robin Dennis and seconded by Douglas Norris.  Angie Preece will be taking over the Events Secretary role.


JD outlined some of the coming year’s objectives:-

·       Increase committee and association membership – invitation leaflets to be distributed via local newspaper and door-to-door posting for Pointers Way residents.

·       A third community notice board to be sited on the Pointers Way Development.

·       Litter pick.

·       Further Quiz Nights.

·       Production of local walking leaflets/maps.

·       Competition to be held in which residents will be asked to propose names for the open spaces around Brockhill.

·       Continued pressure to ensure the early installation of Superfast Broadband – thanks to Peter Merricks for his work to date in this area.

·       Pathway to be provided at Brockhill Drive/Lily Green Lane traffic island.


7.     A.O.B.

Douglas Norris raised the problem with the junction at Butlers Hill Lane/Brockhill Lane not being wide enough for the increasing traffic.  He said that there is room for the roads to be widened which would help resolve the problem.  Robin Lunn said that he would look into this matter for us.

JD expressed his concern about the speed some drivers approached this junction.  He was aware of at least four cats being killed on this stretch of road in the last year.  Pattie Hill said all road kills should be reported to the PCSO’s in order that appropriate measures could be considered.

Anne Norris voiced her concerns about dogs that were being walked around Brockhill Park/ Wetlands, without being on a lead.  Many people like to let their dogs off their leads when they reach the park, so that they can have a run around.  However there have been many instances, she said, where dogs have become aggressive and because they are not on a lead, their owners have no control over them.  Anne has a small dog herself that has been confronted by an aggressive dog.  Also the swans, currently nesting, are very vulnerable.  There have been several incidents where aggressive dogs that are not on leads, have confronted the swans.  Pattie Hill said that she has several people watching over the swans, but of course, they cannot be on guard constantly.  JD suggested that we create a Pet Watch Section on our Website, where members can report any incidents relating to this.

Matt Collinson enquired about the section 106 monies that had been spent in areas outside Brockhill, such as The Abbey Stadium.  Pattie Hill, Robin Lunn and JD all confirmed that unfortunately this was “fait accompli” and was not illegal as it could be argued that Brockhill residents benefited from improvements to surrounding areas. However it was important we should ensure 106 monies arising from the Pointers way development were spent entirely in the Brockhill area.

As members are aware, we have been trying to get our own Community Hall so that we can arrange our meetings in Brockhill, instead of Tardebigge or Batchley.  There are plans, not yet passed by RBC, to build a school on the Pointers Way site.  If it is built, we are hoping that we will be able to use one of its rooms for our meetings. Pattie Hill said that Persimmon had provided Callow Hill residents with a room for their meetings in one of their Marketing Suites, when their houses were built.  There may be a possibility of Persimmon doing the same for us when Pointers Way is completed.  SC said that on the existing plans, the school would be built at the top of a hill thus causing difficulties for mothers with pushchairs.  It is likely that parents and guardians would be more likely to drive than walk to school and this would cause a parking problem for residents.

SC asked Pattie if she knew why the local paper wasn’t delivered to the houses on the Pointers Way estate.  SC had herself been told by the Newspaper that there weren’t enough telephone numbers registered on the estate to warrant the paper being delivered, even though most of the houses are now occupied.  Pattie said it was more likely that they couldn’t get anyone to deliver them.  DD pointed out that Angie Preece was related to the Bullivants and we were attempting to gain more information on the matter from that route.

Douglas Norris raised his concerns regarding Marchwood Close having traffic problems, as drivers think it is a through road.  He asked if signs saying ‘No Through Road’ could be erected to stop unnecessary access by traffic that then has to turn around in what should be a quiet close. Robin Lunn said he would look into the possibility of this.

Robin Dennis enquired whether we should charge an annual membership fee.  DD responded that this had been muted when the association had first been set up.  However we need to attract as many members as possible and free membership should help this.  To be able to finance this, it is very important that as many members as possible attend our quiz nights and any other fund raising events.

Pattie Hill read out a long list of forthcoming events and activities in the Redditch area that might be of interest to Brockhill residents.


The meeting ended at 8.45 p.m.


Brockhill Swans and Cygnets 2015

Seven cygnets hatched over the weekend of 16th/17th of May.

A sign requesting that dog owners please keep their dogs on leads, in the area next to the pond, was put in place by Councillor Pattie Hill on Saturday. 

By Sunday someone had removed it. 

Could we request that all dog owners keep their dogs under control in this area, as sadly over the last two years, a female swan was fatally injured by a dog, whilst trying to protect eight cygnets, and last year, three cygnets were also killed by dogs.

Please look out for the swans and their cygnets, and if you should see any dogs out of control in that area, try to take photos of the offenders,  report it to our website site, Redditch Spotted Facebook page, or Councillor Pattie Hill  (email

Financial Statement 2014-15










R.B.C. Stronger Communities Grant   300
W.C.C. Councillor’s Divisional Fund Scheme   300
Quiz Night:  team entry fees   80
                    sale of refreshments   150   259
                    raffle proceeds & donations   99
Bike auction   45
  974   259
Web hosting   109   66
Quiz Night:  hire of hall   42
                     alcohol licence   21
                     cost of refreshments   73
                     printing of posters   10
                     raffle ticket books   3
                     plastic cups & glasses   14
  271   66
Excess of Income over Expenditure   702   193




AT 31 MARCH 2015







Fixed Assets   -00   -00
Current Assets
Debtors   -00   -00
Lloyds Bank Current a/c   895   193
  895   193
Creditors:  amounts falling due
within one year   -00
Net Current Assets   895   193
Total assets less current liabilities   895   193
Creditors:  amounts falling due and after
more than one year   -00   -00
Net assets   895   193
b/fwd from previous year   193   -00
Income & Expenditure a/c   702


Association Funds   895   193

March 2015


Minutes of Meeting Monday March 9th 2015

Those Present:

David Dallaway​​​​​DD

Lynn Dallaway​​​​​LD

Julie Vincent​​​​​JV

James Doble​​​​​JD

Angie Preece​​​​​AP

Guest in attendance: – WCC Robin Lunn.​​RL

Apologies from Sylvia Collinson, Tish Greenway and Pattie Hill

The Agenda:

1. A.G.M. – Date & Venue

2. Superfast Broadband

3. New Road Signage

4. Sale of Land at Rear of Carthorse Lane

5. Nature Reserve Path

6. New Membership Leaflets – Print & Distribution

7. PACT Meetings

8. Walking Maps & Leaflets

9. Litter Pick

10. Paths leading nowhere on Pointers Way

11. Greenford Close Litter Bin

12. Pathway needed at Lily Green Lane Traffic Island

1. A.G.M. Date & Venue:

A discussion took place about where and when to hold this year’s A.G.M. RL suggested that it be held after the General Election on May 7th. We decided that good attendance figures were more likely if the meeting was held at a local establishment rather than at the Tardebigge Community Hall, the previous two years’ venue. We will be comparing the suitability and cost of three local Community Halls in Batchley and will post a notice on the website when the venue has been booked. An e-mail will be sent to all members once the details are posted.

Action JV

2. Superfast Broadband:

We received an e-mail from one of our members, Peter Merricks, requesting support from the Association in his quest to obtain more information regarding the installation of fibre optic broadband in Brockhill. The new estate at Pointers Way already has it installed and we want the rest of Brockhill to enjoy similar benefit. Contact was made in February with Robert Stepniewski, Project Manager at WCC, who responded with a summary of the current and proposed situation. Last week a notice was attached to BT cabinet number 53, situated on the corner of Butlers Hill Lane. The notice advised residents of the proposed installation of a fixed line fibre broadband telecoms cabinet. Residents have 21 days in which to make representations regarding the development. We are waiting to find out if this cabinet will feed all of the other cabinets in Brockhill or if they will be adapted independently. A brief report will be posted on the website.

Action DD

3. New Road Signage :

RL confirmed that he has ordered the new sign to be placed on Brockhill Drive at the Bromsgrove Highway end which will be marked Brockhill/Batchley. There have also been some new directional signs displayed further up Brockhill Drive.

4. Sale of Land at Rear of Carthorse Lane:

Persimmon Homes are in the process of selling the land behind four houses in Carthorse Lane. RL assured us that this will not encroach on the path used by walkers, which is a public right of way. It is only the owners of houses on the right of the path who have been given the option to buy the land. 

5. Nature Reserve Path:

We are awaiting confirmation from Pattie Hill that a more absorbent surface has been ordered to be placed at the top of the path, where rain water collects, thus making the land extremely slippery. Also the sides at the bottom of the new gate need to be blocked off with chicken-wire or the like to prevent young children and dogs from falling down the steep slope on to Brockhill Lane.

Action PH 

6. New Membership Leaflets – Print & Distribution:

Once provided with relevant details, AP will design a new leaflet for distribution via the local newspaper to cover all areas of Brockhill. This will hopefully increase our membership numbers.

Action AP

7. PACT Meetings:

RL informed the meeting that cut-backs had resulted in the police being unable, currently, to provide officers to attend the Batchley & Brockhill PACT meetings. Also a suitable venue was still being sought. PACT meeting dates and venues should be displayed on the West Mercia Police website.

8. Walking Maps & Leaflets:

We plan to have printed walking maps and leaflets to assist members in getting to know our area better and exploring the nearby countryside. These will indicate how the pathways around Brockhill link up to some great walks. It was felt that Persimmon Homes should be contacted to see whether they would like their name shown on the maps/leaflets in return for some form of sponsorship. Anthony Green at “” will be contacted to ascertain what existing maps are available. 

We are also planning a competition in which residents will be asked to propose names for the open spaces around Brockhill.

Action DD & JV

9. Litter Pick:

With the better weather on its way, we are planning a Saturday morning Litter Pick. This will hopefully bring the community together with a good team effort of looking after our habitat. Posters will be displayed on the two notice boards to let residents know the date, time and place to meet. JD will also organise some laminated notices to be placed in strategic positions around the “dog walkers’ fields”. Litter picking equipment and bin bags will be provided, but bring your own gloves if required.

Action JD

10. Paths leading nowhere on Pointers Way:

At the last meeting JD voiced his concern about paths on the Pointers Way estate that presently do not seem to lead anywhere. RL met with Persimmon’s Planning Officers in November and was informed that some of the paths will lead up to the new school which, subject to planning permission, could be open by September 2017. JD asked RL if B.R.A. representatives could attend the next planning consultation meeting, so that we can ensure that the development of community facilities are sufficient, as these are sadly lacking in Brockhill at present.

Action RL

11. Greenford Close Litter Bin:

We have reminded PH about the need for a litter bin on the path adjacent to Greenford Close. At present there is considerable amount of rubbish in the ditch. There is a suitable area for a bin on a small grass area near to the path.

Action PH

12. Pathway needed at Brockhill Drive/Lily Green Lane Traffic Island:

RL has assured us that he will be able to provide the funding for this path once we enter the new financial year. He appreciates that this is a busy junction and that the lack of a pathway makes it extremely difficult for pedestrians to cross at peak traffic times.

The meeting ended at 9.10 p.m. 

A G M  11th May 7.30pm



We are holding this year’s Annual General Meeting on Monday May 11th at 7.30 p.m. at Batchley Community Centre, Cherry Tree Walk, Batchley, B97 6PB.

There is a large car park and disabled access at the hall.

Please come along and hear about the things we have achieved this year for the benefit of the Residents’ of Brockhill and our objectives for the coming year.  We welcome New Members with new ideas, to help us grow in strength.  The Committee is non-political, and we volunteer our time and efforts for the good of our Community, so please come along to support us.

Refreshments will be provided free of charge.

If you require further details, please contact the Secretary on 07870 880128.  We look forward to seeing you.