All posts by admin

Superfast Broadband

Superfast Broadband Comes to Brockhill


Well, a part of Brockhill.  A member has made a series of requests to get Brockhill on the map for Superfast Broadband.  There has been a partial success story, and more people need to keep up the momentum by writing to their County Councillor and MP.  The more they receive the more they get the message…..


How does Superfast Broadband happen?  First the exchange has to be enabled, and both are in Redditch.  Then cable has to be laid to the cabinets where your telephone line joins the system.  It is this cabinet upgrade that enables things to happen.  Another cabinet is placed alongside the existing one.  There are predominantly three cabinets that affect Brockhill, numbers: 51, 52 & 53.  Cabinet 53 will be the one to be upgraded.  How can you find out which is your cabinet?  Go to this link:


You can search using your telephone number.


What has been the main thrust of Brockhill’s argument to be treated as a priority?  When Brockhill was built it was set up in separate phases.  This meant that the cabinets that were installed only met the needs of that development; no expansion was taken into account for the cabinets, and a separate one was installed for each phase.  What this has done, in effect, is to create a “village-like” scenario.  Like villages, that comprise of approximately 200 dwellings, there is little chance of any rapid expansion, and it’s not commercially viable for telephone companies to upgrade the cabinets or lay the cables.  Central government has provided funds to local authorities (in our case Worcestershire County Council) to deal with the village situations.  So, this has been the main thrust of Brockhill’s argument.  They have listened and are targeting one of the cabinets.  To learn more about the scheme you can go to:


When will it happen for cabinet 53?  It will happen when…:


·        The planning permission consultation has finished.  That should take us into April, early May 2015.  For some reason the cabinet has been deemed to be on private land.

·        The box has been constructed to accept the fibre cabling.  Hopefully in June 2015.

·        The biggie is the cable laying, and by the look of things this may have already started at the bottom of Hewell Road near the railway bridge, but this has not been confirmed.


When will you know for certain?  When it is all in place broadband providers will be touting for your business.


So, although one member has been canvassing on your behalf by contacting the local MP, the Parliamentary Management Team at BT, Superfastworcestershire and numerous county councillors, do your bit too, and get e-mailing or writing letters.  Also, go to your existing Internet Service Provider and be a pest.  Plus go to this link to register your interest:


Get more answers here:






November 2014

Minutes of Meeting Monday November 10th 2014

Those Present:
David Dallaway​​​DD
Lynn Dallaway​​​LD
Sylvia Collinson​​​SC
Julie Vincent​​​JV
James Doble​​​JD
Tish Greenway​​​TG
Guests in attendance: – WCC Robin Lunn and WCC & RBC Pattie Hill

Apologies from Angela Preece

The Agenda:

1. Roads Adoption Update
2. Litter Bin needed in Greenford Close
3. Reported problem with the new Nature Reserve Gate
4. Quiz Night: Confirmation of Profit
5. Bike Auction
6. New Membership Leaflets
7. Our Objectives – Long and Short term
8. A.O.B.

1. Roads Adoption Update:
Rosedale Close and Salters Lane were adopted on November 4th. RL has spoken to Dave Pilchard, of WCC Highways Department, for an update on the outstanding work required before Turnpike Lane and Wheatcroft Close can be adopted. These two roads are in the final stages of completion and are the last two to be adopted in Brockhill West.
An Association member reported that he believed a cul-de-sac running off Greenford Close had not been adopted. He also believed several similar areas were to be found within adopted areas on the estate. Investigations by RL had revealed that these ‘unadopted’ areas were in fact private driveways and not, therefore, part of the adoption process. These driveways were part of house owners’ property and were not the responsibility of RBC. RL has communicated these facts to the member in question.
RL has a meeting on Wednesday November 12th with the Highways Officer, to discuss concerns from members of the public in Salters Lane about the lack of a path opposite Beechwood Close. The matter is made worse by a culvert in the road and an area of raised bushes. RL said that the cost of removing the bushes would be more than having a crossing installed. He will be discussing the creation of a crossing near to the park entrance as this is an area where children, sometimes on bicycles, cross over Salters Lane to go to the play area in Oak Tree Lane.
A new road sign has been installed on the right hand side of Butler’s Hill Lane as you access it from the main roundabout. Unfortunately the sign reads, “Butlers Lane” missing both the apostrophe and Hill. PH agreed to investigate.

2. Litter Bin needed in Greenford Close:
An Association member from Greenford Close has reported large amounts of litter being dropped on the footpath, used by local school children, at the bottom of this road. He has suggested that it would be a good location for a litter bin. PH said that she would look into having one installed.

3. Reported Problem with the New Nature Reserve Gate:
Several members have reported that at the top of the steps near to the kissing gate, the ground is very slippery after all the recent rainfall. Also an additional step is needed at the bottom of the staircase as the gap is too steep when reaching the lane. PH said that she was already aware of the problems. She had contacted Matthew Mead, Senior Engineering Technician for Redditch Borough Council, regarding the placement of some extra non-slip material by the kissing gate and the building of an extra step at the bottom of the staircase. PH was also asked whether chicken wire could be installed around the bottom of the kissing gate to prevent young children and dogs from running out of the field and down the steps.

4. Quiz Night – Confirmation of Profit:
We are pleased to report that the Quiz Night on October 18th was a great success, despite the slightly disappointing attendance of only eight teams. As previously it was held at the Tardebigge Community Hall and members, together with their friends and families, enjoyed the provision of a licensed bar and snacks. A profit of £165 was made aided by the Quiz Master, Wayne Preece, providing his services free of charge and raffle donations from J.G.S. Autos, Tesco, Morrisons, Wilkinson, Robin’s Bike Den, Winyates Chippy and various members.

5. Bike Auction:
We are holding an auction of a brand new child’s bike, generously donated by one of our members. The donor, Robin Dennis of Robin’s Bike Den, will conduct the auction with bids being accepted up to midnight on November 30th. Members will be able to view a picture of the bike on our website and a poster, advertising the auction, will be posted on the two Community Notice Boards. If desired before bidding, viewing of the actual bike can be arranged by contacting JV. The proceeds will go towards the running costs of the Association.

6. New Membership Leaflets:
We are aiming to re-design our Membership Leaflets and have them printed and delivered, the costs of which should be covered by the Quiz Night’s profit. It is hoped the new design will encourage more members to join, particularly as the distribution area will also cover the new Pointers Way estate.

7. Our Objectives – Long and Short Term:
One of our main aims, as we approach the New Year, is to increase the membership of the Association. We hope to bring the community together for local walks, an ideal way of getting to know one’s neighbours and familiarising oneself with the surrounding area on foot. In the New Year we will produce some local walking leaflets/maps to display on our website and notice boards. When future organised walks are arranged, details of meeting times and venues would also be advertised.
We are in the process of arranging a Litter Pick Spring Clean for next year.
Further Quiz Nights will be organised in the New Year and possibly, a ‘Summer Family Fun Day’, if a suitable venue can be found together with more members to help with its organisation.
The key short and long term objectives of the Association will be discussed and agreed at the next committee meeting.
8. A.O.B
DD and LD had attempted to attend the last Batchley & Brockhill PACT meeting at Birchensale School on October 2nd, only to discover it had been cancelled. PH was asked if any progress had been made in finding a new venue for future PACT meetings. She said unfortunately not and that another problem existed regarding the availability of a Police Officer to attend. The poor attendance by residents at previous meetings means that the whole issue is deemed of not high priority.
JD told us that he had walked around the new Pointers Way estate and noticed that there are two paths which end abruptly, and lead nowhere! He asked RL and PH if they could look into this.
PH advised that a Charity Quiz Night is being held at the Town Hall on Friday November 28th in the large Chamber. The proceeds are to go towards a new robot machine needed at the Alexander Hospital. We are hoping to send a team of members to support this extremely worthwhile cause. Please contact us if you would like to join us.
The meeting ended at 9.50p.m.


Robin Dennis of Robin’s Bike Den, has kindly donated the above new bike for us to auction.
All proceeds will go to Brockhill Residents’ Association.

Bike Details:-

Single speed boys or girls monster bike
16in wheels – 10in frame
For inside leg 18-24in, approx age 4-7, depending on height
Matching backpack
V brakes with adjustment for small hands
Single speed with freewheel gear (you can stop pedalling downhill)
Stabilisers fitted but can be easily removed
A tiny bit of paint has come off the front forks, but this is covered by the
Monster decal stickers
1 year warranty included

Bids above £40 to by midnight 30th November 2014

The winning bid will be posted on the website

The bike can be viewed by appt.
Please contact Julie on 01527 585321 or 0787 0880128

Quiz Night Update

At our recent Quiz Night, members and other guests enjoyed getting their brains into gear, to answer questions posed by Quiz Inquisitor Wayne Preece.
The aim of the evening was to bring the community together for an evening of fun, and to raise much needed funds for the Residents’ Association, membership of which is free.
The committee would like to thank the following for their kind support in holding this quiz:-

Angela and Wayne Preece
County Councillor Robin Lunn
JGS Autos
Redditch & Alcester Standard (Pat Bullivant)
Redditch Borough Council
Robin’s Bike Den
Wilkinson Household Stores
Winyates Chippy

Nature Reserve

Photo courtesy Redditch Advertiser

Pictured at the official opening of the new steps to the Nature Reserve, are Redditch Borough Councillor Pattie Hill (r), and Julie Vincent, secretary of Brockhill Residents’ Association.
Also in the picture are Association committee members and local dog walkers.
We are pleased to report that we have had many positive comments about the new entry (off Brockhill Lane) and would like to thank Councillor Pattie Hill for her assistance with this.