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Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday June 30 2021


Minutes of the Committee Meeting 2021 held in the back garden of 5 Parklands Close

Wednesday June 30th 

Those Present:

Sylvia Collinson          SC
David Dallaway            DD
Lynn Dallaway            LD
Gemma Moore            GM2

Julie Vincent            JV           

Mark Whitworth        MW

Redditch North Worcestershire County Councillors: Salman Akbar (SA) & Brandon Clayton (BC)

Brockhill & Batchley Borough Councillor: Nyear Nazir (NN)

The Agenda:

  1. Apologies
  2. Actions arising from previous meeting on March 2nd 2020
  3. Notice Board for Pointers Way/Meadow View
  4. Gardening Project
  5. Finances
  6. Holyoakes Field First School
  7. SmartWater kits
  8. Persimmon Homes:-
    • Section 106 payments and maintenance of open spaces
    • Brockhill East – Phase 3
  1. Speeding on Pointers Way/Meadow View 
  2. Membership List
  3. Facebook
  4. Wooden posts in Wetlands/Brockhill Park
  5. Banister on Staircase from Brockhill Park to Kite Lane
  6. Dog poo bins
  7. Sewage pumping station
  8. A.O.B.
  1. Apologies:

Apologies were received from Stephen Siddle, Gemma Monaco RBC (GM1), Lucy Harrison RBC (LH) and Phil Moore.

Gemma Monaco and Lucy Harrison were attending an RBC Planning Committee meeting.  Gemma had submitted a written report on several agenda topics for use at the meeting.

Lucy had been elected as a Brockhill & Batchley Councillor in May and had met most of the Committee Members at the Litter Pick in June.

Brandon introduced us to the recently elected WCC Salman Akbar.

DD expressed our deep sorrow that since the last meeting Councillor Pattie Hill had passed away on 26th December and Committee Member Malcolm Gilks on 18th January.

  1. Actions arising from previous meeting on March 2nd 2020:

BC told us that he had been in touch with traffic police regarding the traffic calming measures in Carthorse Lane that had been requested at previous Committee meetings.  They informed him that the road was unsuitable because it was a straight and that speed bumps often encourage cars to go faster!

DD had emailed Gemma Monaco on March 3rd 2020 with a map detailing all the repairs and maintenance work required to be carried out in the Nature Reserve by Persimmon Homes.  To date none of the work has been done but this may be due to the impact of COVID 19 on normal working practices.

A message had been posted on our Facebook page encouraging followers to register as Association members via the official website.  DD commented that despite this we continue to receive a considerable number of Facebook postings from non-members. 

Following the easing of Coronavirus restrictions, JV had arranged a Litter Pick for the morning of Saturday June 5th 2021.  Approximately fourteen bags of litter were collected together with an abandoned supermarket trolley.  It was a nice opportunity for committee members to meet some new residents who have since joined the Association.  Also it was our first chance to meet new RBC Lucy Harrison who, together with our other Councillors, helped with the litter picking.

No report back on any changes to the operating times of the Gun Club had been received.  However all agreed that there did not appear to be any noise issues these days.

BC had expedited repairs to the pot holes in Hewell Lane immediately after our last meeting.  BC had also arranged for the lights along Brockhill Drive to be repaired by Western Power. 

  1. Notice Board for Pointers Way/Meadow View

Robin Lunn had been in contact with Matthew Mead of RBC last year and again at the beginning of this year, to find out why the new notice board had still not been installed. Robin had confirmed to DD that the total cost was £2,528, towards which the Association would contribute £2,000.  Robin had submitted a form to the County Council on 19th March 2021 authorising the payment of the difference from his Divisional Fund.  Following Robin’s failure to be re-elected, BC was asked to follow up the situation.  He has since been informed by RBC that they are still awaiting the Association’s payment.  However, our Treasurer DD pointed out that no payment could be made unless an invoice or BACS payment details were sent to him.  BC will now request that an invoice is sent to DD to avoid further delay. 

  1. Gardening Project:

MW, along with Shirley Jobson who is a member from Dairy Lane, is in charge of this project concerning the public open space abutting Appletree Lane.  BC had kindly donated money from his discretionary fund enabling the purchase of fruit trees, daffodils and bluebells that were planted in this area last November.  Native bulbs and seeds have also been planted along the bund and in the small rockery area.  Some members have volunteered to help with the maintenance of the area.  MW said that several residents have asked him if a bench could be placed near to the new fruit trees, which would be a welcome resting place for some of our elderly dog walking members.  NN informed us of a man in Batchley called Bill, who had previously made a bench for the Batchley area.  The wood for it had been provided by RBC and NN said she would find out more details.

MW said that he would like to purchase three red hawthorn trees.  DD said there was £374 remaining in the Gardening Fund out of the £1,000 donated by BC.  It is also planned to plant native daffodils at the end of August.

(Post meeting note: After the end of the meeting BC and SA invited DD and MW to submit an official request for further funding – this was duly done on 9th July)

  1. Finances:

The accounts for the years ended 29.2.20 and 28.2.21 were posted on our website in March this year.  Other than the Gardening Project funding, no other income had been received due to the inability to hold our annual Quiz Night because of the pandemic.  Web hosting and domain name registration costs were around £140 p.a.  We are hoping to hold an AGM and Quiz Night towards the end of this year.

  1. Holyoakes Field First School:

The opening date provided ahead of our last meeting was March 2021.  The most up-to-date estimate we now have is October this year.  BC and GM1 are scheduled to visit residents of Elrington, Fairweather and Gretton Closes in the very near future, as they have requested that Persimmon replace the grass verges with footpaths as originally planned.  Persimmon Homes are prepared to do this provided residents are in agreement.  This is critical work that needs to be done, before the school opens, as currently there is no safe route up Fairweather Close without ending up on the carriageway.

SC said that the field at the old school is being dug up already!  (Post meeting note:  BC has ascertained that this work is being carried out to make room for a temporary class room)

  1. SmartWater kits:

BC told us that WCC had provided funds for SmartWater kits to be bought and given out, free of charge, to residents of Worcestershire.  The kits, which residents then register on the appropriate SmartWater website, contain a security pen for marking valuables.  Posters are also provided for display by one’s front door as a deterrent to burglars.  They have been approved for use by the Police Authority.  BC enlisted the help of DD, LD and SC in delivering the kits to houses on Pointers Way/Meadow View, in the Wheelers Lane area and also Butlers Hill Lane and a few houses in Carthorse Lane.  BC will be getting some more shortly for delivery to other roads in Brockhill.   Residents are free to accept or decline the offer.

Following a query by DD, BC confirmed that once a sufficient number of households had registered, the police would provide notices to indicate that the area was SmartWater protected. 

8. Persimmon Homes:-

  • Section 106 payments and maintenance of open spaces

GM1 had sent us a report on this as she was unable able to attend the meeting.  Over the last three weeks, she and Rachel Maclean MP had been confronting Persimmon over the lack of progress on the issue.  Persimmon North Midlands have now said that due to a change of personnel (standard excuse!) things had slowed.  The new Technical Director is now dealing with matters and RBC’s solicitor has said that there has been some movement over the last couple of weeks.  No date has been set for completion, although the Council’s solicitor says that the next step should be relatively straightforward.  GM1 said that she is anticipating the matter should be resolved within the next three months.

  • Brockhill East – Phase 3

The play area being erected in Owlham Close is due for completion at the end of July.  GM1 said that she expected this to creep into August/September, as she knows that they have been unable to secure some of the materials needed to complete it.  There have also been some reports of children breaking into the area.  Persimmon has ordered new fencing for the time being, but it is likely that the issue of it being broken into will be something that may continue until it is fully opened.

GM1 reported that the secondary balancing pond along the spine path in Burrington Close needs to be fenced off, like the primary one was.  This is mainly to prevent people from getting into the ponds.  Persimmon did carry out a clean- up of the ponds not long ago, but there are still some items that need to be removed.

9. Speeding on Pointers Way/Meadow View:

There have been a few reports recently from residents about cars being damaged near to the speed bumps in Burrington Close.  There is no evidence of the speed bumps being out of specification.  GM1 said in her report that she firmly believes this is likely to be caused by people driving over the speed bumps too quickly.  DD said he was aware of speeding along several other roads on the new estate.

NN told us that LH is running a Speed Watch Project and will hopefully be able to help us with speeding issues in the future.

SA mentioned that the traffic calming measures, installed in Salters Lane near to the entrance into Brockhill Park, were not very efficient.  He said that he would look into getting a stronger barrier at the end of the pathway, to make it safer for children crossing to go to the playground in Oaktree Lane.

10. Membership list:

DD said we now have 481 registered members.  BC asked us how we promote membership and was informed that we continue to leaflet drop to new homes on Meadow View and also to any houses in the older parts of Brockhill where we notice new residents moving in.  DD keeps the membership list up to date following monthly updates communicated by our website administrator, Ben Moseley.  JV sends a welcoming email to all new members.

As mentioned earlier, we are encouraging all those who post messages on our Facebook page to join the Association by registering via our website.

11. Facebook:

In May a member posted a comment on Facebook decrying the display of a poster on our notice boards promoting the Covid 19 vaccination programme.  He and his partner subsequently accused SC of removing the post – a factually incorrect statement as the post still remains on our Facebook page (see posting on 3.5.21 at 10.03am under More/Community).  He subsequently insulted SC by referring to her as a hypocrite and fascist.  We are looking into ways of making our Facebook page more protected as advised by MW, to avoid unnecessary confrontation.  Clearly the two people involved are not welcome as members of our Association.     

12. Wooden posts in the Wetlands/Brockhill Park:

The metal barrier around the pools in this area is joined by wooden posts. They are in a very poor state of repair having rotted down and hardly doing the job for which they were made.  This repair was not on the list compiled by GM1 and BC, for submission to Persimmon, of work required prior to the area being adopted.  BC told us that the pathways are the Council’s responsibility but everything else is still Persimmon’s.  BC said that he will get this added to the list of repairs.  

13. Banister on staircase from Brockhill Park/Wetlands to Kite Lane:

This staircase is on the dog walking route of many of our resident members, some of whom have asked if it would be possible to erect a central banister.  This would assist both ascending and descending, a particular help to our ever increasing ageing population!  BC said that he will put in a request to the Public Open Spaces Management team at RBC.

14. Dog poo bins:

There have been several complaints from residents living on Pointers Way/Meadow View about the dog poo bins not being emptied regularly.  DD believed that the bins were currently not the Council’s responsibility but those of Persimmon or Mainstay.  He had noted that the Council’s bins were green but those on the new estates were red.   DD also found it strange that there were two bins within 100 yards of one another on the path below the derelict farmhouse but none along the popular dog walking path around the Jacob Close lake.  BC said that Persimmon are buying fifteen new bins to place around the dog walking routes and hopefully the Council will empty these more regularly.  BC said GM1 has already contacted those concerned and we should have the new bins in place before too long.

15. Sewage pumping station:

The pumping station, situated at the end of the path running parallel to Mettis Aerospace and Burrington Close, experienced a major seepage of sewage water in February 2021.  This had recently re-occurred and subsequently reported to GM1 by DD.   Persimmon has blamed the issue (no pun intended!) on wet wipes being flushed down toilets but GM1 said in her report, that she blames the lack of maintenance to the pumping station.  The issue has been reported to the Environment Agency as the seepage also leaked into the balancing ponds.  GM said that she has told Persimmon that this is wholly unacceptable and has made it very clear to them that she will be closely monitoring the clean- up of this area.  She has also asked them to conduct engineering reports as to whether this station is going to be able to cope with the extra sewage from all the new houses still to be built on the estate.

16. A.O.B.

MW said that he had recently noticed a lot of weeds in the gutters around Appletree Lane and Brockhill Drive and wondered if they are sprayed with a weed killer by the landscapers when they cut the grass.  JV will contact Richard Adlington to find this out.

GM2 asked if anybody had the contact details for the farmer whose sheep are in the field at the back of Lily Green Lane.  Her house backs on to the field and she has noticed a few sheep in distress.  MW said that he would provide her with the farmer’s ‘phone number.

JV wondered if it would be possible to have a police officer attend our meetings as there haven’t been any PACT meetings in the area for some time, most likely due to the pandemic.  With Brockhill still growing, it would make sense she thought, to build up a relationship with the local police, in order to be able to voice any of our members’ concerns.

NN said that there is a new police team for Brockhill and that she will send us their details shortly.

JV asked if the Councillors thought it would be possible to have the bench in Brockhill Park turned around as it currently faces bushes.  Better still, could it be moved to the area in Appletree Lane’s Public Open Space where MW has requested a bench (see section 4. above)?  We will await the decision as to whether a wooden bench will be made for that area, and if so, just have the park bench turned around.

Actions from this meeting:

BC to request the sending of an invoice by RBC to DD for the Association’s contribution to the Pointers Way notice board.

NN to find out from Bill, the ‘Community Champion’, if he could make us a bench.

SA to investigate whether a stronger barrier can be installed at the end of the pathway leading from Brockhill Park onto Salters Lane.

BC to add the repair of wooden posts around the pools in Brockhill Park to Persimmon’s pre-adoption ‘snags list’.

BC to request the addition of a banister for the staircase leading from Kite Lane to Brockhill Park.

JV to contact Richard Adlington about the spraying of gutters with weed killer.

NN to provide the new police team’s contact details.

The meeting ended at 9.30 p.m. 

Malcolm Gilks

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Malcolm Gilks, who was a member of our committee.
Malcolm and his wife Cherry, have always been very supportive of our Association, with Malcolm joining the committee a few years ago.
He had been ill for a long time, and our thoughts go out to Cherry and his family at this sad time 🖤

Pattie Hill

We have received the very sad news of the death of our dear friend and local Councillor, Pattie Hill, who passed away on Saturday December 26th, following a long and courageous battle with ill health.
She will be greatly missed by us all, and our Residents,’ for her strong support and local knowledge, which helped to make Brockhill a safer and more pleasant place, with her great sense of Community spirit.

Rest in peace, Pattie