All posts by admin

New footpath – Lily Green Lane

We are happy to report that the long awaited footpath on either side of the roundabout on Lily Green Lane is now in place. This will make crossing the road at this junction safer. Your committee have been pursuing this improvement for three years, and we are very grateful to County Councillor Robin Lunn for his help in making this happen.

(For more photos  see ‘Recent Posts’)

July 2016

Brockhill Residents’ Association

Minutes of Meeting Wednesday July 13th 2016

Those Present:David Dallaway​​​DD

Lynn Dallaway​​​LD

Sylvia Collinson​​​SC

Julie Vincent​​​JV

Tisha Greenway​​​TG


Apologies from James Doble (JD) and Angela Preece.​


Guests in attendance: – WCC Robin Lunn (RL), CC Pattie Hill (PH) and WCC Graham Vickery (GV).



The Agenda:


1. Actions from previous meeting

2. Membership list (joinings and resignations)

3. New membership leaflet (printing and distribution)

4. Post box for Pointers Way

5. Dog waste bins for Pointers Way

6. Quiz Night

7. “Walks Around Brockhill” leaflet

8. Public Liability Insurance

9. Smoking outside Rhymes Nursery

10. Potential parking problems re new school at Pointers Way

11. Legal sign off of Nature Reserve land ownership

12. Pennyford Close street light

13. Lily Green Lane path (either side of the traffic island)

14. Persimmon land sale at rear of Carthorse Lane

15. A.O.B.




1. Actions from previous meeting:
PH had contacted RBC’s Environmental Services Department regarding the possibility of placing safety wire around the gate at the top of the steps leading into the Nature Reserve. Regretfully no action has been taken yet and there remains a real danger of young children and dogs running in front of traffic on Brockhill Lane. 
The meeting with Ruth Bamford to discuss the community building still needs to be arranged.
DD had contacted Anthony Green of the Redditch Walks website. Unfortunately Anthony does not know the Brockhill area too well since its recent development. However he would be happy to give any assistance he could in helping to develop suitable walking routes in the area.
RL was reminded of the need to supply JD with a map of Brockhill’s Open Spaces.
SC had not yet applied for an alcohol licence as there was no requirement until the date of the next Quiz Night has been fixed (see agenda item 6). 
The AGM was held at the Batchley Community Centre and JV will book the same venue for the forthcoming Quiz Night.
The meeting with Kate Tait from Persimmon Homes was held on 11 March.
2. Membership list (joinings and resignations):

The membership list is updated on a regular basis by our website administrator Jules Collinson. SC will ask him to send DD & JV an updated list each month. It will serve as a useful aid in identifying those houses to target for the forthcoming leaflet drop – see next agenda item.  

3. New membership leaflet (printing and distribution):

JV and LD have received three quotes for the printing of 1,000 leaflets. DD asked PH to investigate the possibility of using RBC’s printing supplier to see if a better price could be obtained. Once a supplier has been selected, the printed leaflets will be distributed by committee members and hopefully other willing Association members. The main target area will be the new Pointers Way Estate. However, if possible we would also like to cover all Brockhill households that are not currently members.

4. Post box for Pointers Way:

DD & LD had spoken with the manager of the Post Office in Fishing Line Lane about the possibility of installing a post box on the new estate. The manager was unaware of the request procedure but had provided them with contact details of the Customer Services Department. DD has emailed Royal Mail and awaits a reply.

5. Dog waste bins for Pointers Way:

A new member of the Association had commented that the provision of dog litter bins and notices, similar to those in place around the Nature Reserve, would be a welcome addition to Pointers Way. As the land has not yet been adopted by RBC, their provision would be down to Persimmon Homes. RL and GV agreed to raise the matter at their September meeting at Worcestershire County Hall with Persimmon’s Planning Department.

6. Quiz Night:

A suitable date and venue for the next Quiz Night was discussed. We decided to hold it sometime in October at Batchley Community Centre. Only Monday or Saturday evenings are available and it was felt the latter to be more suitable. JV will contact the Centre to ascertain what dates in October are available. SC will arrange a drinks licence once the booking has been made.  

7. Walks Around Brockhill leaflet:

As stated in 1. above, the Redditch Walks website does not cover the Brockhill area. However it is still intended to produce a leaflet detailing walks around our area for the use by members. Eventually we hope to arrange weekend walking groups to help develop a community spirit. The provision of Brockhill’s Open Spaces map by RL will assist in the planning of walks.

8. Public Liability Insurance (PLI):

DD had investigated the cost of taking out PLI but all quotes received to date were very expensive. None of the quotes appeared appropriate to the needs of our Association. They seemed more suited to organisations with employees or to tenants/landlords. We discussed whether PLI was currently needed as our only imminent outside activity was the Quiz Night. Cover for this would be effected by the Community Hall’s own Insurance policy. When we have use of our own community building or decide to hold say a Family Fun Day, the need for PLI will assume far greater importance.

9. Smoking outside Rhymes Nursery:

PH has visited the Rhymes Nursery to speak to them about the complaints from residents concerning the litter caused by cigarette butts left on the pavement outside the Nursery School. SC, who lives nearby, informed us that the situation has since improved.

10. Potential parking problems outside the new school at Pointers Way:

Two members living in Cookridge Close, which is the road leading up to the proposed new school, have voiced their concerns about the possibility of drivers parking outside the houses. A copy of their letter in response to the Public Notice had been forwarded to all committee members plus RL, GC and PH. RL said he will be speaking to Holyoakes’ Head Teacher about a measure that has proved successful at another school in the county. This would involve the painting of a single yellow line along Cookridge Close on the houses’ side. Parking on the line would be prohibited for a couple of hours each morning and afternoon when drop offs and collections were likely to occur. Several committee members expressed concerns as to how successful this would be as people would tend to double-park on the grass verge side of the road. It was felt that the no parking restrictions would only prove successful if they could be properly policed. Also the restrictions would not cover late afternoons and early evenings when extra -curricular activities may take place.
GV said that the plans included drop off areas outside the school.

SC confirmed that Holyoakes School’s current rules stipulate that all children must be collected by a parent, grandparent or designated adult. It is not known whether this policy will apply to the new school but clearly this could have an effect on the number of pupils travelling by car.

11. Legal sign off of Nature Reserve land ownership:    

One of our members had been notified by RBC’s Senior Tree Officer that the Nature Reserve had not been adopted and was still under the ownership of Persimmon Homes. The member referred the matter to RL who subsequently met with Ruth Bamford (RBC’s Head of Planning & Regeneration) and her planning team, together with Joe Turner of Persimmon Homes South. It transpired that the only thing holding up the adoption was Persimmon’s Legal Team not signing the contracts and paying across the money, in the same way as they did for the roads two years previously. Nothing is outstanding and no work to the site needs doing. Consequently Persimmon agreed to go away and ask their lawyers finally to exchange contracts. It was confirmed that Persimmon Homes have been paying RBC to do necessary landscaping work.


12. Pennyford Close street light: 

SC had reported to RBC that a street light in Pennyford Close was not working correctly and had been told that this was the building developer’s responsibility. SC told them that she believed that the road had been adopted and it was, therefore, RBC’s responsibility. RL has contacted WCC’s Street Lighting Team.  
DD reminded RL about the street light in the public open space between Parklands Close and Appletree Lane, which has been on constantly for several years, wasting tax payers’ money. This had been reported by JV on several occasions to both RBC & WCC, but they couldn’t find the number on their system. RL said that he would look into this for us. DD gave him the number of the light – 12764.  

13. Lily Green Lane path: 

Work has commenced on the paths either side of the traffic island in Lily Green Lane. A tree has been cut down on one of the corners in readiness and the paths have been marked up. We look forward to being able to cross this busy junction more safely.

14. Persimmon land sale at rear of Carthorse Lane: 

We have been informed by certain members that they are still waiting to hear from Persimmon Homes regarding the sale of land at the rear of their properties in Carthorse Lane. The land was cleared by Persimmon several years ago and a sale price of £500 had been agreed. JV has e mailed Barry Jones at Persimmon Homes North, as instructed by Kate Tait of Persimmon Homes South, to ask what is causing the delay. JV is awaiting a reply.
RL and PH stressed the issue was a matter between Persimmon and the purchasers’ individual solicitors. It had nothing to do with RBC and RL will personally visit the residents to explain this. Once purchase has been completed, residents will need to apply to RBC for change of use certificates. RBC has stated that it will not in any way object. It is believed that only one of the purchasers has employed a solicitor to act on their behalf. 

JV asked RL if he could find out who owns the grassland in Appletree Lane near to Dairy Lane, next to the field, as the fence is in a poor state and needs repairing. She also asked who owned the land on the corner of Pennyford Close and Carthorse Lane which is very overgrown. RL agreed to find out.

DD had received an email from a member, who lives in Brockhill Lane, concerned about his back garden fence which is in need of repair. The fence borders the pathway leading from Brockhill Lane to Wheelers Lane. DD had provided the member with contact details for Persimmon Homes and informed RL, GV and PH of the member’s concerns. DD also advised the owner to check his deeds to see whether the fence was his own responsibility. 
RL & GV were asked if they could find out at their meeting with Persimmon on September 20th when the bungalow on Pointers Way would be ready for use as a temporary Community Hall.
JV advised that a number of residents had complained that the dog waste bins around the Wetlands in Brockhill Park had not been emptied recently. SC also reported that the waste bin near to the Carthorse Lane post box was in poor condition and needed replacing. PH will follow up these issues.
The hosting fee for the Association’s website was up for renewal shortly. SC and Jules Collinson will deal with this.

Actions arising from this Meeting:

PH to chase up her request for the installation of a litter bin on the pathway adjacent to Greenford Close.

PH to continue pursuing Environmental Services regarding blocking off the gaps at the side of the gated entrance to the Nature Reserve.

RL to provide JD with a map of Brockhill’s Open Spaces.

SC to ask Jules to send DD and JV an up-to-date list of members each month.

PH to obtain quote from RBC’s printers for 1,000 leaflets.

DD to continue liaising with Royal Mail about the installation of a post box on Pointers Way.

RL & GV to raise the issue of dog waste bins and clear up notices for Pointers Way at their meeting in September with Persimmon.

JV to book the Batchley Community Centre for the Quiz Night.

SC to apply for an alcohol licence once a booking has been made for the Quiz Night.

RL to contact WCC’s Street Lighting Technician regarding lamppost 12764.

RL to ascertain who owns the grassland next to the field in Appletree Lane near to Dairy Lane and also the wasteland on the corner of Pennyford Close and Carthorse Lane.
RL and GV to enquire at their September meeting with Persimmon when the Pointers Way bungalow is likely to be available for community use

PH to follow up issue of emptying dog waste bins around the Wetlands and replacement of bin near Carthorse Lane post box.

SC and Jules to deal with renewal of the website hosting.


The meeting closed at 9.40pm.


Swans and Cygnets. ++++ Update ++++ Mother swan

Update from Councillor Pattie Hill.

 Mummy Swan is back! Her foot is much better so please don’t let anglers make any more mistakes please…
++++++   Some of you may be aware that the mother swan injured her leg recently, after becoming entangled with a fishing line. Sadly her leg became infected, so she has been taken by the Swan rescue to recover. We have been informed that she is recovering well, and the rescue will be trialling her back with her family soon.  Of the six cygnets born in May, sadly only five have so far  survived.   +++++++

Great news from Brockhill Park and Wetlands, please help to look after our cygnets and keep them safe. Our local councillor Pattie Hill and her team of volunteers has once again initiated ‘Cygnet Watch’ please let her know if you have any concerns for their welfare at any point.
Could we also please remind anyone walking their dog in the area close to the swans,  to keep it under control or on a lead, as naturally the swans are very protective of their young and can be aggressive. We hope that all six cygnets will survive, as did last year’s seven!


Swans and dogs

The swans are nesting again in Brockhill park. Last year was the first time that all the cygnets survived, and we hope that will happen again this year.

If you are walking your dog in this area and it is under your control that is fine. If however, it runs off and chases the swans, as has happened twice to our knowledge in the past week alone, it is very distressing for the nesting swans.

Please be aware and keep tight control, or put your dog on a lead. Many thanks.

A.G.M. Minutes 7th March 2016

BROCKHILL RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at the Batchley Community Centre on Monday March 7th 2016


In Attendance:

Committee: Sylvia Collinson, David Dallaway, Lynn Dallaway, James Doble, Tisha Greenway, Julie Vincent​.

Members: Karen Baxter, Russell Baxter, Matt Collinson, Robin Dennis, Graham Haynes, Marion Haynes, Shirley Jobson, Peter Merricks, Robert Merry, Susan Merry, Stephen Siddle, Mike Vincent, Doug Wilks.

Non Members: Olivia Baxter, David Healey.

Councillors: Mayor & RBC Pattie Hill, WCC Robin Lunn, WCC Graham Vickery.




Apologies were received from John Dallaway and Angela Preece. Graham Vickery advised he would have to leave early to attend another meeting.


Adopt Minutes of Previous AGM:


David Dallaway apologised that printed copies of last year’s AGM minutes were not available. However, he pointed out that a copy had rested on the Association’s website for over 9 months and hoped all in attendance had had chance to read them. His offer to read out the minutes was declined and they were then duly adopted.

Receive, Adopt and Approve Accounts:

The Treasurer’s report was circulated for inspection by members. David Dallaway pointed out that the accounts covered a period of only 11 months because this year’s AGM was taking place somewhat earlier than the previous year’s. No income had been received in the 11 months, thus illustrating that the annual cost of running the website and hosting the AGM approached £150. The Association does not levy an annual membership fee, so it is vital that as many members as possible support our quizzes since these are currently our only fund raising events. Cash at bank was currently £751 and some of this will be used to print new membership leaflets.

The Accounts were received, adopted and approved by members.

David Dallaway thanked Sylvia Collinson for her work as Treasurer.




Report on Year’s Achievements:


David Dallaway ran through the Association’s main achievements since last year’s AGM:-


• With the much appreciated assistance of Robin Lunn, 99% of all the roads (excepting the new Pointers Way development) have now been adopted. Only Turnpike Lane and Wheatcroft Close remain unadopted, but these just await completion and submission of a form by Persimmon Homes South Midlands.

• A Brockhill Residents’ Association Facebook Page has been established that continues to enjoy a large number of hits. It incorporates a “Lost Pets” section and an early warning system for crime related incidents. David Dallaway thanked James Doble for his work on setting this up.

• Access improvements have been made to the green footbridge leading from Carthorse Lane to Appletree Lane spanning Brockhill Drive.

• “Swan Watch” in Brockhill Park/Wetlands area – “No fishing” signs have now been erected around the pool at our request by RBC.

• Traffic calming measures have been installed in Salters Lane near to the Brockhill Park entrance.

• Early installation of Superfast Broadband. Peter Merricks was thanked by David Dallaway for his work on liaising with the Worcestershire project team.

• Organisation of a “Litter Pick” (part of the “Clean for the Queen” campaign). It will take place this coming Saturday and all were urged to participate.

• “No through road” sign erected at entrance to Marchwood Close. However residents claim that the sign is too high and needs re-positioning.

• Robin Lunn confirmed that work on new pathways on both sides of the traffic island at the junction of Brockhill Drive/Lily Green Lane were due to commence after April this year.

• Approval for the granting of a community facility by Persimmon Homes South Midlands. Members of the committee, together with Robin Lunn, were meeting with Kate Tait, Strategic Planning Director Persimmon Homes South Midlands, on March 11th to discuss this and to receive an update on future development plans for Pointers Way.

Executive Committee Elections:

In accordance with the Constitution, three committee members must resign at each AGM. Sylvia Collinson – Treasurer, Julie Vincent – Secretary and Tisha Greenway tendered their resignation but all were available for re-election. Attendees were asked if there were any other proposals for election to the committee but none was forthcoming. The three existing committee members were proposed for re-election by Robin Dennis and seconded by Mike Vincent.

Future Objectives:

James Doble outlined our future main objectives:

• Growth of membership with a particular emphasis on targeting residents of Pointers Way.

• Development of community facilities.

• Funding of a third community notice board for Pointers Way.

• Quiz Night

• New post boxes for Pointers Way.

• “Open spaces” naming competition.

• Production of “Walks around Brockhill” leaflets and maps.

• Expediting adoption of roads on Pointers Way.

• Growth of relationship with Persimmon Homes South Midlands.

• Safety improvements to be made around the gate at the top of the steps leading from Brockhill Lane up to the Nature Reserve.

• Creation of new path in Lily Green Lane at the road traffic island for safer crossing.

• Traffic calming measures in Salters Lane at the junction with Oaktree Avenue.

• Re-installation of staggered barriers at the Salters Lane end of Brockhill Park.

• Re-installation of litter bins around Brockhill Park


The state of the derelict farmhouse and barns, situated next to the Pointers Way Development, was raised by several members. The farmhouse was set alight several years ago. The barns and remaining outbuildings are in a very poor state of repair, posing a safety risk. A number of the surrounding protective barriers have collapsed thus enabling easy access to the buildings, particularly by children. It was established that Persimmon Homes are still responsible for access to this land. We will be voicing our concerns at the aforementioned meeting with Kate Tait on March 11th and will request repair of the protective fencing.

Peter Merricks raised the issue of RBC spending section 106 monies, arising from Persimmon’s Oaklands development, on areas outside Brockhill. James Doble said this was not illegal and nothing could now be done about it. However, we must ensure that section 106 monies in relation to the Pointers Way development are used specifically for the benefit of the Brockhill community.

Matt Collinson voiced his concern about the speeding traffic along Salters Lane on the bend near to the entrance to Brockhill Park. “It is an accident waiting to happen”, he said, as children on scooters and bicycles emerge from the Park on to the busy road. There needs to be a crossing or traffic calming measures put in place. Many people use this route to cross over to get to the shops, playground and bus stop. Robin Lunn said that speed bumps could not be installed as it is on a bus route. However he agreed to investigate what monies may be available to provide another method of traffic calming.

A number of members had heard and or seen cars being raced around Brockhill, particularly along Brockhill Drive. Pattie Hill strongly urged reporting of all such instances to her and/or the police, giving details of place and time, immediately they are witnessed.

An enquiry was made as to whether there would be a bus route through Pointers Way once the new school had been built. Robin Lunn replied that this issue would be addressed nearer the time of completion of the school. Whichever bus company was then in operation would be approached.

Several dog walking members had experienced sheep in the field behind Parklands Close. It was confirmed by Pattie Hill that warning notices to keep dogs on a lead were the responsibility of the landowning farmer. Similarly the repair of a broken entrance stile was also the farmer’s responsibility.

Pattie Hill read out a list of forthcoming events, activities and community projects of interest and benefit to people in the Redditch area.

The meeting ended at 8.35 p.m.