The planting of an Oak Tree to mark Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee was planted today. WCC Brandon Clayton did the honours with Wildlife Project leader Mark Whitworth seen kneeling and local residents.

A Massive “Thank you” to everyone who helped out at the plant sale yesterday. All the plant donations were gratefully received & we almost sold out!
Thank you if you came along & purchased something & helped support our project.
The sale raised £275.75 which is amazing!
Thank you again!
The Brockhill Residents’ Association is holding the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday November 5th starting at 8 p.m at The Batchley Community Centre, Cherry Tree Walk, Batchley.
Please come along to meet the Committee and local Councillors, to voice any Community concerns you may have and learn about the new School and amenities in Brockhill East.
Refreshments will be provided.
We look forward to meeting you.
Best Regards
Julie Vincent, Secretary