Category Archives: Fund Raisers

Girl’s bike auction

+++++ Update +++++

The bike auction raised £50 for our funds.

Thanks once again to Robin Dennis.

One of our members, Robin Dennis (of Robin’s Bike Den), has very generously given us this bike to auction to raise funds for the association.

The bike is brand new. 

Bids to

A starting bid of £30 please, and the closing date for bids will be midnight 14th December.


Girls first bike, pink frame with yellow wheels and saddle. Ex-display bike, never been ridden.

Single speed with freewheel gear.

Stabilsers fitted.

Caliper side pull brakes front and rear, with adjustable brake levers for small hands.

for inside leg 13.5 to 16in.

for more info email

Quiz Night Success

The Quiz held on October 8th was well attended, and proved to be a very enjoyable evening.

The Committee wish to thank their sponsors, who donated prizes for the raffle:- 

Morrisons, Tesco Express Batchley, Wilkinsons, The Golden Carp – (Mr Theo Ellinas – Owner), The Golden House Chinese Takeaway in Crabbs Cross – (Simon & Claire), Rob’s Bike Den and association members who donated. 

 Many thanks also to our Quiz Master Wayne Preece, who made this a fun evening for the community.

Thank you to all who attended and made the event a success.



New footpath – Lily Green Lane

We are happy to report that the long awaited footpath on either side of the roundabout on Lily Green Lane is now in place. This will make crossing the road at this junction safer. Your committee have been pursuing this improvement for three years, and we are very grateful to County Councillor Robin Lunn for his help in making this happen.

(For more photos  see ‘Recent Posts’)

Swans and Cygnets. ++++ Update ++++ Mother swan

Update from Councillor Pattie Hill.

 Mummy Swan is back! Her foot is much better so please don’t let anglers make any more mistakes please…
++++++   Some of you may be aware that the mother swan injured her leg recently, after becoming entangled with a fishing line. Sadly her leg became infected, so she has been taken by the Swan rescue to recover. We have been informed that she is recovering well, and the rescue will be trialling her back with her family soon.  Of the six cygnets born in May, sadly only five have so far  survived.   +++++++

Great news from Brockhill Park and Wetlands, please help to look after our cygnets and keep them safe. Our local councillor Pattie Hill and her team of volunteers has once again initiated ‘Cygnet Watch’ please let her know if you have any concerns for their welfare at any point.
Could we also please remind anyone walking their dog in the area close to the swans,  to keep it under control or on a lead, as naturally the swans are very protective of their young and can be aggressive. We hope that all six cygnets will survive, as did last year’s seven!