Category Archives: Fund Raisers

New Community facilities for Brockhill

New Community Facilities for Brockhill 
Since it was created Brockhill Residents Association has been working to secure some community facilities in Brockhill. Whilst we have lots of open space there is no equipped play area or community hall. One of our key aims has been to ensure that when future development occurs community facilities are provided through something called a Section 106 agreement (essentially a contribution by the developer to offset the impact of the development). 
As covered in the press on 9 December Persimmon have been given permission to build a further 296 homes, extending the Pointers Way estate, there will also be some future business units. Details are available on the council website.
As part of the application it was agreed that as well as more public open space, there would be an equipped play area, a site for the relocation of Holyoakes School and following our work with the council plot No. 148 will be a bungalow style building for community use. This building will stay in use until permanent community facilities are provided as part of a Brockhill district centre which would be in a later phase of development. 
The building will be able to be used for clubs and societies, youth activities eg scouts, social events and meetings.
We think this is an important development for our community in Brockhill and will continue to work with the Council and developer to progress this proposal.

Happy New Year


The Committee of Brockhill Residents’ Association would like to wish all residents of Brockhill a very happy and healthy 2016

 Membership is FREE

Want to join us??

Details at



November 2015

Minutes of Meeting Monday November 2nd 2015

Those Present:
David Dallaway​​​DD
Lynn Dallaway​​​LD
Sylvia Collinson​​​SC
Julie Vincent​​​JV
James Doble​​​JD
Angie Preece​​​AP
Tisha Greenway​​​TG

Guests in attendance: – WCC Robin Lunn (RL) and Pattie Hill CC & Mayor of Redditch (PH)

Actions from last meeting:

Adoption of Turnpike Lane and Wheatcroft Close – RL
Traffic calming measures for Salters Lane – RL
Setting up Facebook page – JD
Lost pets and security alerts on website – SC
Naming of open spaces competition – JD
New membership leaflets – AP
Notice board for Pointers Way
Culvert rubbish removal – PH
Improvements to new gate into Nature Reserve – PH
New bin for pathway adjacent to Greenford Close – PH

RL has sent an e-mail to the Director of Highways at Persimmon to find out what was delaying the adoption of the last three roads in Brockhill, namely Turnpike Lane, Vowchurch Close and Wheatcroft Close. He was told that the delay was all down to a strip of land outside a house in Wheatcroft Close, which Persimmon said belonged to the resident. The resident was unaware that the strip of land belonged to his property and does not want it anyway. RL said that this matter has now been resolved and that the adoption of these roads should now be able to go ahead.

RL informed us that the traffic calming measures discussed at our last meeting for Salters Lane, near to Brockhill Park entrance, will be hatchet markings painted on the road.

JD has set up a Facebook page which is linked to our website.

SC has added both “lost pets” and “security alerts” sections to the website.

JD suggested that we should l link the “naming of open spaces” competition to the “Walks around Brockhill” leaflets that we hope to produce in the spring.

AP showed us a draft copy of the new membership leaflet, which is almost complete. It is hoped to distribute copies via the local free newspapers. Pointers Way residents will have to be contacted by a letter box drop as they do not receive the newspapers.

RL was asked to continue pursuing Persimmon Homes regarding the funding of a community noticeboard for the new Pointers Way estate.

JD reported that there were still bin bags full of rubbish dumped in the culvert running alongside the pathway that leads from Brockhill Lane to opposite the postbox in Carthorse Lane. PH will arrange for their clearance.

PH was unaware that the safety improvements to the new gate into the Nature Reserve had not been carried out and will now chase this up.

PH will also chase up the bin requested for the pathway adjacent to Greenford Close.

The Agenda:

1. “No Fishing” signs in Brockhill Park (update)
2. New path at Lily Green Lane traffic island (update)
3. New “Brockhill” sign at Tardebigge end of Brockhill Drive (update)
4. “No Through Road” sign for Marchwood Close
5. “Walks around Brockhill” leaflets (update)
6. P.A.C.T. meeting
7. Litter pick
8. Website renewal
9. Quiz Night
10. Speed bumps removal
11. Plans for new school on Pointers Way
12. Persimmon’s sale of land at rear of properties in Carthorse Lane
13. A.O.B.

1. “No Fishing” signs in Brockhill Park update:
We are still waiting to hear from Jackie Boreham at RBC for a date for the erecting of the “No Fishing Signs” around the balancing ponds in Brockhill Park. JV has sent a further e-mail to Jackie this week.

2. New path at junction of Brockhill Drive – Lily Green Lane update:
RL showed us the plans that have been approved by WCC Highways Department for the construction of a path either side of the traffic island in Brockhill Drive/ Lily Green Lane. A date is awaited for its commencement.

3. New “Brockhill” sign at the Tardebigge end of Brockhill Drive update:
The old “Batchley” sign in this area had been removed, ready for the new one to be erected. RL said that this will be taking place very soon.

4. “No Through Road” sign in Marchwood Close update:
This sign was erected a few months ago but has been placed too high up to be noticed clearly. Residents of the Close have requested that the sign be lowered to a more prominent position as through traffic has not eased.

5. “Walks around Brockhill” leaflets update:
JD is looking to create some “Walks around Brockhill” leaflets and will attempt to combine this with the “naming of public open spaces” competition and some arranged walks plus the litter pick, in the spring.

6. P.A.C.T. meeting:
The next meeting takes place at the Tesco Redditch Brockhill Express store on Saturday November 7th between 10am – midday. Police and local councillors will be present to answer queries from residents on local matters of concern.

7. Website renewal:
The annual renewal of The Brockhill Residents’ Association website and domain name has been carried out with the kind assistance of Jules Collinson. The total cost of £112 is currently funded by profits from our Quiz Night. Membership of the association is totally free and we are therefore heavily reliant on members actively supporting any fund raising activities we may undertake in order that we remain financially viable.

8. Quiz Night:
We will be holding out next Quiz Night in the spring, date to be arranged. JV will compare the costs and suitability of prospective venues. JD and AP will arrange the hosting of the quiz itself and other committee members will be organise refreshments, raffles and hopefully sponsorship.

9. Speed bumps removal:
LD had noticed that the speed bumps in Cookridge Close, on the new Pointers Way estate, had been removed. JD said that they would have only been there temporarily whilst the road was being used by heavy construction site vehicles. The bumps would have been removed when the road was resurfaced.

10. Plans for the new school:
WCC Graham Vickery is attending a meeting on Thursday November 5th to discuss plans for the new school at Pointers Way. RL will prompt him to ask about the section 106 monies, payable by Persimmon, for the provision of local amenities including a community hall. The possible use of the new school for association meetings, prior to the availability of a community building, should also be explored. We have also requested that the association be informed of the traffic management plan for the school. RL was asked to ascertain whether we would be able to attend future planning meetings. RL hoped to report back on this shortly.

11. Persimmon’s sale of land at rear of properties in Carthorse Lane:
PH said that the delay in the sale of the land was due to the fact that individual solicitors were being used to represent the residents who are buying the land at the rear of their properties. Inevitably the procedure takes longer when several people are involved.

We discussed the motoring hazard presented by the disabled gentleman who uses his motorised wheelchair in a dangerous manner on the roads around Batchley and Brockhill. He frequently drives on the wrong side of the road, swerves into the path of overtaking or oncoming cars, does not indicate nor use lights when it is dark. He continually causes problems for motorists who are concerned about his safety together with pedestrians and other road users who may be injured trying to avoid him. PH confirmed he is well known to the police who have cautioned him. However he insists on using the road and not the path, saying that the paths are not level enough for him to use.

Actions from this Meeting:
PH suggested that JD creates a link to the Alexander Hospital on the association’s Facebook page.
JD to organise the ”naming of public open spaces” competition.
JV to make enquiries for booking the Quiz Night venue.
AP to complete the new members leaflet. She was also asked to approach her contacts at Bullivant Media Ltd. for assistance with distribution of the leaflets via the Redditch Standard.
RL to continue pursuing Persimmon Homes for the funding of a community noticeboard for the new Pointers Way estate.

PH to request the clearance of rubbish bags from the culvert.

PH to remind the Maintenance Team at RBC of the anti-slip surface needed at the top of the staircase leading from the Nature Reserve to Brockhill Lane and to instruct them to repair the balustrade at the bottom of the staircase.
PH to chase up the bin requested for the pathway adjacent to Greenford Close.

JD to organise the creation of “Walking around Brockhill” leaflets.
JV to arrange the borrowing of “litter pick” equipment in the spring.

The meeting ended at 9.30 p.m.

Worcs C.C. Redditch Area Forum Monday 16th November at 6.30pm Redditch Town Hall

There will be an opportunity to meet County Councillors, and there will be presentations on: 

Policing in Redditch – Update on crime stats and policing initiatives by Darren Webster, Safer Neighbourhood Inspector, West Mercia Police.

Fire Service in Redditch – Update on your fire service by Group Commander Mick Cadman, Hereford & Worcester Fire & Rescue Service 

Economic Development – Presentation by Sue Crow, Economic Development Manager, Worcestershire County Council on the support for local businesses and increasing job opportunities.

Recording the Past and Present for the Future – Victoria Bryant, Manager of Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service, based at The Hive, talks about the important role of her department and the historic landscape of Worcestershire. 


Open Forum – Your opportunity to raise any issue that is important to you!






Charity bag pack for Mayor’s charities

Cllr Pattie Hill has arranged 3 charity bag packs to raise money for her 3 chosen charities:

Redditch First Responders, Redditch Cat Rescue and Touchstones.

The dates are as follows:
Saturday 22nd August Sainsburys – Redditch
Sunday 13th September Morrisons, Redditch     
Saturday 21st November Tesco’s – Redditch
In order for these events to be a success they rely heavily on the support of volunteers. If anyone would like to give their valuable time on any of these dates it would be much appreciated. Please contact Pattie.