Category Archives: News

Annual Fundraiser Quiz Night 2019

Our Annual Fundraiser Quiz Night was well attended by members from Brockhill .  It was nice to meet new members from Brockhill East Estate and a challenging, but fun evening was had by all.
There were seven teams of six competing, the winning Eggheads, were a team called the ‘The Fursty Ferrets’. They were rewarded with wine and chocolates and the losing team were awarded the ‘Booby’ prize – a packet of Pork Scratchings!!

PACT Meeting – July 2019

There is a PACT meeting arranged for Batchley and Brockhill on July 11th 2019 from 18.30-20.00 at Batchley Community Centre.
Members and residents are welcome to attend to raise any issues they may have.
Your Committee

Community Asset Submission – Foxlydiate Arms

**** UPDATE: THIS MEETING HAS NOW BEEN MOVED TO: WEDNESDAY JULY 10TH AT 6PM. THE MEETING LOCATION HAS ALSO BEEN MOVED TO: “Parkside”, Market Street, Bromsgrove, Worcs. B61 8DA. 01527- 881288 ****

Dear Members

We have submitted a Community Asset form on behalf of Brockhill Residents’ Association, to try to save the Foxlydiate Arms Hotel and Restaurant from being bulldozed by the owners Whitbread, to sell the land to Developers who have submitted a plan to Bromsgrove District Council for the building of 48 houses and an Apartment block. This will obviously put a further strain on the roads and facilities in our area.

The Community Asset Application is being considered at a meeting with Ruth Bamford, the Council’s Head of The Planning Department, next Wednesday June 12th at 6pm. It’s being held at the Bromsgrove Council Chamber and Committee Room in Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove B60 1AA, the former Council House.

The meeting is open to the public, so it would be VERY worthwhile for as many Members as possible to attend the meeting, to show Ruth Bamford, how much this means to us all. WCC Robin Lunn, who had an interview on the front page of the Standard Newspaper last week concerning this, is hoping to attend. He told us that the decision lies solely with Ruth Bamford.

PLEASE attend if you are able.

Your Committee

A Murder Mystery Evening in Alvechurch

Murder Mystery Evening and Bring your own drinks make it a cheap night out.

We are pleased to invite you to a Murder Mystery Evening on the 9th and 10th of March in Alvechurch Village Hall (, which is being presented by Alvechurch Dramatic Society to raise funds for ourselves and other local charities. We are assured that these evenings are always great fun and you are invited to bring your own drinks as the refreshments on sale will be limited to tea and coffee.

Tickets can be obtained locally from

Stephen Siddle 07977 140088/01527 62930 or

Julie Vincent 07870 880128/01527 585321



Guidance on Clearing Snow and Ice

Worcestershire County Council is continuing to encourage householders to be ‘good neighbours’ and help keep highways safe this winter.

With the experience of recent winters very much in mind and the possible approach of severe weather once again, the Council is keen for residents to help keep highways clear for all users by clearing snow and ice from public footways or pavements fronting their properties.

The Council recognises that popular concern over a ‘compensation culture’ and possible legal liability has discouraged a lot of householders from clearing snow and ice from footways in the past.

In fact, we believe that case-law does not justify significant cause for concern and shouldn’t put people off, provided they take reasonable care.

Any householder who takes reasonable care when clearing a footway and ensures that its condition does not create a greater hazard than before is highly unlikely therefore to be faced with a successful claim from pedestrians who may suffer injury or loss as a result of that clearance.

Reasonable care would include following the government advice on how to clear footways safely shown below, although we are happy for salt in grit bins to be used to clear pavements forming part of the highway.

Government advice from supported by the County Council: Clear snow from a road, path or cycleway You can clear snow and ice from pavements yourself. It’s unlikely that you’ll be sued or held responsible if someone is injured on a path or pavement if you’ve cleared it carefully.

How to clear snow and ice

When you clear snow and ice:

 do it early in the day – it’s easier to move fresh, loose snow

 don’t use water – it might refreeze and turn to black ice

 use salt if possible – it will melt the ice or snow and stop it from refreezing overnight (but don’t use the salt from salting bins as this is used to keep roads clear)

 you can use ash and sand if you don’t have enough salt – it will provide grip underfoot

 pay extra attention when clearing steps and steep pathways – using more salt may help

How to clear the snow properly.

PC advice re Ice and Snow policy 2017



Carthorse Lane – Speeding Traffic issue – Meeting

Last Tuesday the 18th July, residents held a meeting to discuss speeding traffic issues on Carthorse Lane.

The turnout was good and a solution was discussed.

Robin Lunn the County Councillor has sent through his  – we will arrange for them to go onto the Residents Board as well in Brockhill.

In summary, Richard Clewer the Highways Agency representative is going to speak to the Traffic Management Team to explore the possibilities of blocking off the road by the footpath so Carthorse Lane in effect gets split into two with no access to through traffic. This idea was supported by everyone there and as such Robin & Brandon Clayton (another County Councillor for Brockhilll) will be starting the consultation process with residents on Tuesday evening at 6pm.

Robin will be conducting a door knocking exercise to establish the views of residents regarding the road blocking proposal.

The door to door consultation will now take place next TUESDAY (25th) night at 18:00 not Monday.