Category Archives: Wildlife

Swans nesting in Brockhill Park



Mother Swan in Brockhill Park/Wetlands, is nesting on 7 eggs, so can Dog Walkers please keep their Dogs on their leads when walking near to her please.

Thank you & keep safe

Your Committee



Abandoned Terrapin in the pond

A while ago I was walking the dog around the ponds, I noticed something in the pond nearest to Turnpike Lane, that I thought looked like a turtle or terrapin but I wasn’t sure and my husband thought I was mad until he walked the dog last week and a gentleman took a picture and kindly mailed it into us, so here he/she is

We are looking into what we can do for the Terrapin, but in the meantime he is living in the pond happily.

Please can we remind you that releasing unwanted exotic pets into the wild is cruel and illegal. Most exotic pets are unlikely to be able to survive in the wild in Britain and non-native species could pose a serious threat to our native wildlife. It is illegal under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) to release, or to allow to escape, any species that are not normally native to the UK.” Quote from the RSPCA 

Welcome to the new Cygnets, well done to the Swans



The swans are now the proud parents of 4 cygnets, although I have been informed that one has had to be taken to a sanctuary as it was poorly.

Please help to protect them by keeping your dogs away from them.

Here are some feeding tips for the swans, although in this weather they normally do not need anything extra:

Grain, such as wheat, and vegetable matter, especially lettuce and potatoes, can be fed to swans. Food should be thrown into the water to avoid encouraging the birds onto the bank.

For more information see Swan Feeding