January 2016


  Minutes of Meeting Monday January 11th 2016

Those Present:

David Dallaway​​​DD

Lynn Dallaway​​​LD

Sylvia Collinson​​​SC

Julie Vincent​​​JV

James Doble​​​JD


Apologies: Tisha Greenway and Angie Preece.​


Guests in attendance: – WCC Robin Lunn (RL), CC Pattie Hill & Mayor of Redditch (PH) and WCC Graham Vickery (GV).


Actions from last meeting:


New membership leaflets – JD

Culvert rubbish bag clearance – PH

Date for commencement of new path at Lily Green Lane traffic island – RL

Pointers Way notice board – PH

Public Liability Insurance – DD

Chase up e-mail to Jackie Boreham re: ‘No Fishing’ signs for balancing ponds in Brockhill Park – JV

Litter bin for Greenford Close – PH

Entry forms for ‘the public open spaces’ naming competition – JD


JD said that the new membership leaflets should be finished by the end of February.


JD confirmed that the bin liners had still not been removed from the culvert running alongside the pathway leading from Brockhill Lane to Carthorse Lane. PH thought this had already been carried out and will now check that the correct location had been given to the Grounds Maintenance Department.


RL confirmed that the new path for Lily Green Lane near the traffic island will be created after April this year; the exact date is still to be scheduled.


RL is continuing to pursue Persimmon regarding the funding of a community noticeboard to be situated on the Pointers Way estate.


DD is making enquiries with regard to Public Liability Insurance. A number of policies appear to be geared more towards residents’ associations in leased apartment blocks or those organisations with employees. Such policies insure against risks that are not applicable to our association, with their high premiums reflecting this. RL suggested trying Zurich and JD advised using the National Association of Residents Associations website.


JV is awaiting a reply to her e-mail to Jackie Boreham with regard to the ‘No Fishing’ signs for Brockhill Park. However PH assured the meeting that they would be installed by the end of the week.


PH said she had put in a request for a litter bin to be installed on the pathway adjacent to Greenford Close.


JD asked RL for a map showing all the public open spaces around Brockhill to assist his drawing up of entry forms for the naming competition.




The Agenda:


1. Safety notices for Pointers Way – poor lighting and land holes

2. Safety improvements to Nature Reserve gate

3. Plan for the community building – Pointers Way section 106 monies

4. Date for Quiz Night

5. Date for A.G.M.

6. Litter pick

7. “Walks Around Brockhill” leaflet

8. Drinks licence

9. Facebook and website – link to Alexandra Hospital’s ‘Fight to Keep Services’

10. Persimmon’s land sale – (rear of Carthorse Lane)

11. A.O.B.




1. Safety notices for Pointers Way – poor lighting and land holes:

It has been reported by a member living on the Pointers Way that there are several areas of uneven ground on the estate. These pose potential safety hazards, particularly at night as the street lighting tends to be dim. Also there is no fencing around the balancing ponds which is highly dangerous as they fill up very quickly, especially after the recent heavy rains. JV will get in touch with Kate Tait, the New Buildings Liaison Manager for Persimmon Homes, to arrange a meeting.

2. Safety improvements to Nature Reserve gate:

DD showed PH photographs taken that day of the slippery surfaces and gaps underneath and both sides of the gate at the top of the stairway leading from Brockhill Lane to the Nature Reserve. PH said that she would contact the Grounds Department at RBC to arrange for a non-slip surface to be laid and the gaps blocked off with chicken wire or the like. DD agreed to e-mail PH copies of the pictures to assist her expediting this matter.


3. Plan for the community building – Pointers Way section 106 monies:

GV had attended a meeting on 5th November, arranged by RBC with Persimmon Homes, to discuss plans for and use of the new school on Pointers Way. On a temporary basis we would hope to use the school hall for B.R.A. functions until such time that our own community building becomes available. We had asked GV to put forward our request. GV said that one of the school’s governors is a B.R.A. member with whom we will now liaise. PH agreed to organise a meeting for us with Ruth Bamford, RBC’s Head of Planning and Regeneration.  

JD suggested a way to fund the community building, that Persimmon are offering to provide is for RBC to let it out to local groups and use the income to offset running costs.

4. Date for the Quiz Night:

A suitable date to hold our next Quiz Night was discussed and it was felt that sometime after Easter, which falls early this year, would be a good time. Mid to late April would seem favourable but the availability of our excellent quizmaster, Wayne Preece, would need determining first. JV will enquire about available dates around this time at the Batchley Community Hall in Cherry Tree Walk. She will also determine whether we are able to sell our own alcohol, as the profits arising from this are a vital part of the evening’s success. Membership of the association is free and it is essential that the Quiz Night generates sufficient profit to fund the annual costs of running the association and operating the website. Members will be e-mailed and details posted on the website once a date has been agreed. (See also item 8. below)


5. Date for the A.G.M:

It was suggested we hold the A.G.M. approximately a month after the Quiz Night – JV will find out what dates are available to hire the Batchley Community Hall. (Post meeting note – the AGM is now likely to be held sometime before the quiz. Members will be informed of due dates by e-mail plus website and notice board postings.)


6. Litter pick:

A date of Saturday March 12th was selected for the litter pick. It is envisaged starting at 10 a.m. and finishing around noon. JV will make arrangements to borrow the equipment needed, i.e. litter picks and gloves, from a contact at RBC. Members will be notified of start time and where to meet by e-mail together with website and notice board postings.


7. Walks Around Brockhill:

JD will compile a leaflet containing walks around our Brockhill area for the use of members. DD will contact the Redditch Walks website to ascertain what assistance they may be able to offer. We hope to arrange walking groups at weekends to develop a community spirit.

8. Drinks licence:
SC will apply for an alcohol licence for the Quiz Night (see item 4. above). 

9. Facebook and website – link to Alexandra Hospital’s ‘Fight to Keep Services’:

JD has been monitoring our Facebook page and confirmed there had been a large number of hits from our members and other residents. We hope to form a link with the Alexandra Hospital, so that residents can be made aware of any changes to the hospital’s services. Forewarned is forearmed, so to speak.

10. Persimmon’s sale of land at the rear of part of Carthorse Lane:

We have had a few enquiries from some members in Carthorse Lane, who are in the process of buying land at the rear of their properties from Persimmon, as to why the sale is taking a lot longer than expected. PH assured us that RBC was not responsible for the delay; it is purely a matter between Persimmon and the purchasers’ individual solicitors.

11. A.O.B:

GV advised that the next P.A.C.T. meeting will be held on Saturday February 6th at the Tesco Redditch Brockhill Express store between 10am – 12pm. Details will be posted on our notice boards and website shortly.

GV told us of a Highways and Transport Forum, to be held at the Town Hall on Tuesday February 2nd, 5pm – 6.30pm. One of our committee members will be attending.

RL reported that the new Batchley/Brockhill sign will be installed before the end of the financial year. Also work on the new pathways on both sides of the traffic island at the junction of Brockhill Drive/ Lily Green Lane will commence after April this year.

SC re-raised our concerns about the dangers experienced when crossing Salters Lane from Oak Tree Avenue across in to Batchley Park. Both RL and PH said that regretfully nothing could be done at present as there was no history of any accidents at this crossing point. However RL has requested the Highways Department to install two bollards in Salters Lane near to the Beech Tree Close crossing, as a traffic calming measure.  


JD suggested organising Dog Training Groups and walks. He has a contact at Vicky’s Pet Services who would be able to provide this.

Actions from this Meeting:

PH to arrange with the Grounds Maintenance Department for safety work to be carried out around the gate at the top of the stairway leading from Brockhill Lane up to the Nature Reserve.

PH to arrange a meeting for us with Ruth Bamford to discuss the community building on Pointers Way.

DD to contact the Redditch Walks website.

RL to provide JD with a map of Brockhill’s Public Open Spaces.

SC to apply for an alcohol licence.

JV to book Batchley Community Hall for the Quiz Night and AGM.

JV to arrange a meeting with Kate Tait from Persimmon Homes.


The meeting ended at 9.20 p.m.