Minutes of Committee Meeting Tuesday May 9th 2023


Minutes of Committee Meeting Tuesday May 9th 2023

Those Present:

Councillors:- Lucy Harrison RBC, Joe Baker RBC, Brandon Clayton WCC, Salman Akbar WCC

Headteacher of Holyoakes Field First School – Mrs Koser

Mrs Koser has kindly given permission for us to hold our Committee Meeting in the School Hall.  The meeting started at 5.30 pm.


Mike Long                                 ML

Stephen Siddell                         SS

Julie Vincent                             JV

Mike Vincent                            MV

The Agenda:

  1. Apologies
  2. Actions arising from previous meeting on September 26th 2022
  3. Traffic Calming Measures in Burrington Close/Hawling Street
  4. School Traffic/Car Parking
  5. Right of Way across the Red Ditch
  6. More Dog Litter Bins for Meadow View Estate
  7. Barrier/Crossing for Salters Lane entrance to Brockhill Park
  8. Anti-Social Behaviour by Basketball Court in Brockhill Park
  9. Litter Pick
  10. Quiz Night
  11. A.O.B.
  1. Apologies:

Apologies were received from Sylvia Collinson and Mark Whitworth.

2. Actions arising from previous meeting on September 26th 2022:

SA informed us that he has ordered a staggered barrier to be installed at the end of the pathway from Brockhill Park into Salters Lane, but is still waiting for a date for the work to be undertaken.

BC told us that Safety Speed checks were carried out in Salters Lane and it was found that the average speed was 25/26 mph, so a crossing is not found to be necessary at present.

BC said that the Slow Down sign had now been re-erected. MV asked if it had been concreted in this time as it is down more often than up.  BC said that he believed that the Bus is the cause of it being knocked down when it comes around the bend.  JB said that his opinion was that YOBS had damaged it. BC said that he will have it re-erected in concrete and Tarmacked over.

JV had written to Mainstay to ask how often the Litter Bins were emptied at East Brockhill. She did not receive a reply as they were in the process of changing over to a new maintenance controller called First Port.  LH has been in touch with First Port to complain about the lack of service and will continue to monitor the situation.

BC said that the inspection had not been carried out by WCC Engineers with regard to the flooding at the gate to the field as it is still owned by Persimmon.  The land that floods is at the gate which is on RBC land, so we have asked if it can still be inspected by WCC Engineers.

3. Traffic Calming Measures in Burrington/Hawling Street:

Since the Speed Bumps have been taken out in this area, the problem of speeding has become worse, so JB has spoken to the Site Manager, Nathan Cox and requested that they be put back in.  Because the roads have not been adopted, speed checks cannot be done, but several residents’ have complained about the traffic speed and are concerned for the safety of their children.  We discussed having a crossing installed on the corner of Cookridge Close/Burrington Close junction, for the use of the school children who walk this way.4.

4. School Traffic/Car Parking

Residents in Pointers Way have complained about the double parking caused by the parents of school children who are being dropped off.  Mrs Koser told us that she has a system in place, where the Teachers’ meet children from their parents cars and walk them up to the School, to help relieve the situation.  We discussed having a one-way route in place to avoid congestion of vehicles turning around.  Mrs Koser said that the main problem is that there are no pavements for the Children to walk on, there had been at the old School. JB said that the Police would not get involved until an accident happened, as they, understandably haven’t got the man power.  The Councillors said that they are attending a meeting at the School on Monday May 15th and will be discussing this with WCC Officers and Persimmon Site Managers’. 

5. Right of Way across the Red Ditch:-

JV produced a copy of a map showing a right of way footpath, dating back to 1940, extending across the Red Ditch which runs parallel to where the new estates were built and therefore, near to the school.

She asked if the area could be cultivated and a pathway installed across the ditch, to provide a safe walking route for school children to use who live on the west side of Brockhill, which would then ease some of the car traffic.  BC said that he would bring this up at the meeting with WCC Highways Officers and Persimmon on Monday afternoon.

6. More Dog Litter Bins for Meadow View Estate:

Residents’ and parents of children using the playground on Meadow View Estate, have complained to us about the lack of Dog Poo bins being emptied regularly, even though they have to pay extra maintenance fees to First Port, the agency that is supposed to provide the service.  Residents’ have to pay uncapped fees on top of the Council Tax as is the case on all new housing estates, no matter who the builder is.  The maintenance company changed hands about a year ago, taking over from Mainstay and we had hoped that, with the increase in charges, a better service would be provided, but so far, this does not seem to be the case. LH has however, managed to get one new bin installed and will assess the situation regularly.

7. Barrier/Crossing for Salters Lane entrance to Brockhill Park:

SA informed us that he has ordered a staggered barrier to be installed in this area and he will chase its installation.  BC said that it is unlikely that we will get a crossing installed, as the results of speed checks that were carried out last year, were of no concern, even though there have been many witnesses to traffic not slowing down for the bend in Salters Lane.  We hope that when the ‘Slow Down’ sign is erected in concrete and tarmacked over, therefore spending more time up than down, motorists will take heed. BC said that he will order the work to be done.

8. Anti-Social Behaviour by Basketball Court in Brockhill Park:

There have been reports from Residents’ of anti-social behaviour and some have witnessed drug dealing taking place outside the Basketball Court in the Park.  At one time, a camera had been in place, but after a few weeks, it was moved on to another troublesome area.  JV suggested a light being installed there, to highlight any illegal activities and therefore deter this activity.  JB said that he didn’t think that would stop it and that the YOBS would just move into the bushes or the underpass to carry out their drug dealing, which they also do at present anyway.  There is a PACT meeting taking place at the end of May at Redditch Rugby Club, we are waiting to hear the date it’s being held and plan for the committee members to attend and we will also let members know the date as soon as possible.

9. Litter Pick:

We are approaching the time of year when we usually hold our Litter Pick.  We discussed a suitable date in June and JV said that she would contact Richard Adlington of RBC, to arrange to borrow the Litter Picks and Rubbish Bags.  We have set the date for Saturday June 10th. Members will receive an e- mailed invitation shortly.

10. Quiz Night:

We discussed whether to hold a Quiz Night in October and asked Mrs Koser, if it would be possible to hold it in the school hall.  We explained that we apply for a drinks licence and would need to set up a bar as this helps us to raise the money we need for our annual expenses, i.e.website hosting and domain name registration, alcohol licence, photocopying and stationery.  She said that this would be possible on a suitable date for the school.

11. A.O.B:

MV asked BC if there was an update on when the Bannister for the steps leading from Kite Lane into Brockhill Park, would be installed.  BC said that he had not been able to put in an order for this to be done, as the paths and steps have not been adopted yet by RBC. 

Actions from this meeting:

SA to find out a date for the Barrier to be installed in Brockhill Park/Salters Lane end.

BC to contact RBC Landscaping Department to request the Banister for the staircase.

BC to order the concreting and tarmacking of the ‘Slow Down’ sign in Salters Lane.

LH to request another Dog Poo/Litter Bin for Meadow View and find out how often the bins are emptied.

JV to contact Richard Adlington of RBC to arrange to borrow the Litter picks and bags for June 10th and for the removal of litter bags collected.

JV to contact Mrs Koser to arrange a suitable date for the Quiz Night.

JV to arrange a date with Mrs Koser for the committee to have a tour of the new school.

The meeting ended at 7 p.m.