Minutes of Meeting Tuesday February 26th 2019 held at 4 Pink Green Lane


Minutes of Meeting Tuesday February 26th 2019 held at 4 Pink Green Lane

Those Present:

Sylvia Collinson                                SC

David Dallaway                                DD

Lynn Dallaway                                 LD

Malcom Gilks                                   MG

Claire Ivins                                        CI

Gemma Monaco                             GM

Julie Vincent                                     JV


Guests in attendance: WCC Brandon Clayton (BC) and RBC Pattie Hill (PH).

WCC Robin Lunn (RL) was unable to attend but participated via Skype.

Apologies were received from RBC Anita Clayton and Stephen Siddle.


The Agenda:

  1. Welcome to new Committee Members
  2. Actions arising from last meeting in November 2018
  3. Community House
  4. Mainstay’s maintenance charges for Pointers Way and Meadow View
  5. Litter Pick
  6. Quiz Night
  7. Website
  8. Sale of land at rear of Carthorse Lane
  9. Land change of ownership – the field behind Parklands Close/Dairy Lane
  10. O.B.


  1. Welcome to new Committee Members:

Two new Committee Members, Claire Ivins and Malcolm Gilks, who had offered their services after the AGM, were welcomed to their first committee meeting.  Claire will be monitoring our Facebook page and Malcolm has volunteered his landscaping and general maintenance skills, should they be required.

  1. Actions Arising from last meeting:

DD had emailed Clare Flanagan, Principal Solicitor for RBC, enquiring about the latest position on the adoption of the Nature Reserve bordered by Brockhill Lane and Plumstead Close.  Ms Flanagan had responded that the Council were expecting to hear from solicitors for Persimmon but nothing had been received as yet.  She would now ask the Property Team Leader to chase this up as a matter of urgency.

In addition our Councillors had contacted Redditch MP Rachel Maclean, asking her to write to David Jenkinson, the interim Chief Executive of Persimmon Homes, regarding the twenty years delay in handing over Section 106 monies and the adoption of some Brockhill roads and public open spaces.   GM had also contacted Bullivant Media, who published an article in the Friday February 22 issue of The Redditch Standard newspaper.  David Jenkinson has vowed to investigate personally ongoing issues.

RL informed us that WCC have now taken possession from Persimmon of the land on which the new Holyoakes Field first School will be built.  The predicted date of completion is the summer of 2020, ready for the September intake.

BC informed us that following on from the tightening of the chicane in Carthorse Lane, a speed bump will now be created to assist the traffic calming measures.

BC & RL had contacted Traffic Safety and Control  Officers to monitor traffic speeds in Salters Lane, near to Oaktree Avenue.   The results are still awaited.

  1. Community House:

The bungalow Persimmon had supposedly built with the intention of allowing its use by the Association as a temporary meeting place, now appears to be being used for storage purposes.  The building was never a viable option with rooms that were unsuitable for meetings and insufficient surrounding  parking space.  GM has received an email from Persimmon Homes South offering a porta cabin that could be placed temporarily on the open area somewhere adjacent to the old Pointers Way showhouse.  The maintenance and security issues connected with such a building were discussed at the meeting, leading to the unanimous decision of its unsuitability.

Persimmon have also offered us plot 111, a two- storey house to be built mid-2020.  They have said in the short term  the house could temporarily be configured to our needs on the ground floor and the first floor could be boxed off.  GM will be contacting Persimmon to inform them this too would be unsuitable because of limited floor space, limited parking facilities, the house being not fully available for use and the day to day running costs that would have to be borne by the Association.

DD suggested that if we were no longer asking Persimmon to provide a temporary Community Building, perhaps they would like instead  to finance the supply and erection of a notice board on Pointers Way.   CI asked us why we couldn’t have a Council run Community Centre, like those in other areas of Redditch.  The Councillors explained that RBC is not running the Leisure Department any more with responsibility for such matters resting with Rubicon Leisure Ltd.  Rubicon are not taking on the running of any new Community Centres.

  1. Mainstay:

This is the company responsible for the maintenance of the public open spaces and grass verges on Pointers Way and Meadow View.  They charge residents an annual service fee which has increased every year so far.  We have been informed by members who live on Pointers Way that the charges increased by a further 6% in January this year.  GM will write to Claire Flanagan of RBC and Simon Mallinson, WCC’s Head of Legal and Democratic Service, to inform them that residents are very unhappy with these increased charges, especially as they cannot see much improvement to the public open spaces.  It was felt that Mainstay should not be allowed to keep increasing the fees well above the level of inflation and that there should be some sort of cap on charges.

  1. Litter Pick:

It was decided to hold our annual Litter Pick on Saturday May 11th.  JV will arrange to borrow the equipment from RBC and arrange for the collection of the rubbish bags.  Further details will be posted on our website and Facebook page and all members emailed to notify them of the time and date.

  1. Quiz Night:

The Annual Quiz Night will be held sometime in October.  This will need to be on either a Monday or Saturday evening, as those are the only evenings available to hire the Batchley Community Centre.  This is another reason why we need our own Community Hall as we are currently restricted as to when we can hold events.

  1. Website:

As a result of an email sent out to all members in January, Ben Moseley had kindly volunteered his services to handle the administration of the website.  He met up with Jules Collinson for a brief induction and is now in control.  We will be inviting Ben to our next meeting if he is available to attend.

DD was concerned that he had not received notification of any new members joining for some time.  He queried whether the mechanism for alerting him of new memberships via the website was still functioning.

DD asked if we could put a statement on our website that covered obligations under General Data Protection Regulations.

  1. Sale of Land at the Rear of Carthorse Lane/Longmoor Close:

Persimmon Homes have still not been communicating satisfactorily with the solicitors of those residents purchasing land at the rear of their properties.   One of our members has told JV that he is so fed up of the undergrowth behind his garden that nobody wants to take responsibility for, that he is thinking of moving.  BC said that he will contact the Council’s solicitor to find out what is preventing the land sale going ahead.

  1. Land change of ownership at the rear of Parklands Close/Dairy Lane:

JV said her neighbour had been informed by the local farmer that ownership of the field, behind the houses in Parklands Close upon which his sheep graze, had changed .  JV had previously been interested in who owned this land.  She had asked RL on several occasions who was responsible for the upkeep of the fence in Appletree Lane that is in need of repair.  BC said the land was in Bromsgrove and owned by Persimmon Homes.  PH suggested that we ask Malcolm Gilks to quote for repair of the fence.

  1. O.B.

One of our members had reported to us that a lamppost was not working in Wooton Close.  DD passed on the details to our Councillors who had arranged its repair.  The other issue reported by this member was the provision of a grit bin for Wooton Close.  BC told us that an appeal is taking place with regard to the request for a yellow grit bin as the original request had been refused last year.  He said that Wooton Close is considered to have the steepest incline in Brockhill and is hopeful of getting one installed.  DD said that speaking parochially he would like a grit bin in Pink Green Lane as the steep hill up to Wheelers Lane was usually impassable when it snowed.


Actions from this meeting:

GM to contact Persimmon Homes North regarding the Community House.

GM to contact Claire Flanagan at RBC with regard to Mainstay’s service charge increases.

BC to contact RBC’s solicitors to find out when the sale of land to residents in Carthorse Lane/Longmoor Close will go ahead.

BC to find out who owns the land to the rear of Parklands Close/Dairy Lane.

MG to prepare a quotation for the repair of the fence which separates the above field and Appletree Lane’s public open space.

JV to arrange to borrow equipment for the Litter Pick on Saturday May 11th.

JV to book Batchley Community Hall for the Quiz Night In October.


Meeting ended at 9.35 pm.


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Minutes of Meeting Tuesday February 26th 2019 held at 4 Pink Green Lane