Tag Archives: Minutes

Minutes of Meeting Thursday July 25th 2019 held at Alestones


Minutes of Meeting Thursday July 25th 2019 held at Alestones

Those Present:

Sylvia Collinson            SC

David Dallaway            DD

Lynn Dallaway            LD

Tisha Greenway            TG

Claire Ivins            CI

Stephen Siddle            SS

Julie Vincent            JV

Councillors:  RBC Pattie Hill and WCC Robin Lunn

Apologies were received from WCC Brandon Clayton (BC), Malcom Gilks (MG), RBC Gemma Monaco (GM), Ben Moseley (BM) and RBC Nyear Nazir (NN).

The Agenda:

  1. Actions arising from previous meeting on 26th February 2019.
  2. Quiz Night and AGM.
  3. Notice board for Pointers Way.
  4. Post box for Pointers Way.
  5. Holyoakes Field First School – completion update & parking facilities.
  6. Foxlydiate Arms.
  7. Persimmon Homes:-
    (i)   Section 106 payments .
    (ii)  Completion of Pointers Way phase 1.
    (iii) New application Brockhill East – phase 3.
  8. Carthorse Lane speed bumps.
  9. Website hosting & GDPR statement.
  10. Membership list.
  11. Drug selling and suspect behaviour reports.
  12. Sale of Brockhill Wood.
  13. A.O.B.


  • Actions arising from previous meeting:

GM had emailed Kate Tait of Persimmon Homes on 6th March regarding the Community House.

In GM’s absence we were unaware if she had contacted Claire Flanagan at RBC regarding Mainstay’s service charge increases.  JV will email GM for a progress report.

RL informed us that some of the land sale at the rear of a small section of Carthorse Lane/Longmoor Close had now gone through.  Solicitors of the remaining residents concerned are still working on this.

BC had confirmed in March that the land to the rear and side of Parklands Close/Dairy Lane was still owned by Persimmon Homes and had not been transferred over to the Council.  However this was being pursued. In BC’s absence RL and PH confirmed that ownership of the field had still not changed.  This was puzzling as BC had indicated at the February meeting that it was land that Persimmon no longer required and was to be given back to Bromsgrove District Council.

MG was waiting to know whom to address the quote for repair of the fence for the Appletree Lane side of the aforementioned field.

JV had organised the borrowing of equipment and bin bags for the Litter Pick which took place in May.

JV has booked the Batchley Community Hall for the Quiz Night and the AGM


  • Quiz Night and A.G.M.

Arrangements were discussed for organising the Quiz Night to be held at Batchley Community Centre on Saturday October 12th 2019 at 7.30 p.m.  RL said that he could help with the Quiz questions if needed.  DD said that he hoped to enlist the help of a friend who is a regular Quiz Host.  We will ask members to form teams of 6 – non-members also most welcome. Committee Members will take on their usual tasks regarding food and refreshments, raffle, sponsorship, etc.

The A.G.M. will be held on Tuesday November 5th at 8pm.  We are hoping that the later start will encourage a better attendance than in previous years.


  • Notice board for Pointers Way:

CI was congratulated on her success  in obtaining a £2,000 grant from Fortis Living towards the cost of manufacturing and erecting a new community notice board, similar to our existing two in Brockhill Park and Carthorse Lane.  If possible, the Fortis Living logo should be shown on the board in recognition of their support. We will now research our best sourcing options and RL said that he could assist with arranging its installation.  The most suitable siting was discussed together with the need to contact Persimmon regarding permission for its installation on their land. It was felt the best position would be on the edge of the grassland in front of Almondsbury Close just before the start of Burrington Close.  We agreed that GM would be the best person to contact Persimmon in view of her contacts. JV agreed to email GM to ask for her help in this matter.


  • Post Box for Pointers Way:

DD discussed the possibility of re-contacting Royal Mail regarding the installation of a post box on Pointers Way.  When he enquired in 2016, he was told that there must be a post box within half a mile of at least 98% of all customers’ letter boxes.  It’s a moot point whether the two nearest boxes in Hewell Road and Carthorse Lane fulfil this requirement. PH pointed out that unfortunately Royal Mail appear to be reducing rather than increasing their number of post boxes.  However DD agreed to contact Royal Mail again, particularly as Pointers Way and Meadow View have developed considerably since 2016.


  • Holyoakes Field First School – completion update & parking facilities:

The school’s Head Teacher retired at the end of the summer term but she was asked to perform the traditional ceremony of digging out the first soil to mark the commencement of the new building.  Originally it had been hoped she would oversee the whole relocation process, had the new building commenced a couple of years ago as originally planned. RL said that the intended completion date now, after having to re-tender, would be Christmas 2020.

RL told us that the planning permission includes parking restrictions, so that residents will not have their driveways blocked.  There will be notices restricting parking at certain times, i.e. dropping off and picking up times.


  • Foxlydiate Arms:

We submitted a Community Asset Form to Bromsgrove District Borough Council in May in an attempt to prevent the demolition of the Foxlydiate Arms, owned by Whitbread.  As reported recently in The Standard, Bromsgrove District Council has received a Planning Application from Whitbread for the Foxlydiate Hotel site. The Outline Application is to establish the principle for the demolition of the existing building on site and the erection of up to 46 houses, 24 apartments and a children’s play area.  RL is calling on Whitbread to sell the pub and hotel on the open market to another pub or restaurant chain.

A Bromsgrove District Council Cabinet meeting was due to discuss the issue on Wednesday July 10th as the land in question is just over the border in Bromsgrove.  RL, DD and SS attended to support the Community Asset Application.  It was hoped that others in our Association together with members of the ‘Save The Foxlydiate Facebook Group’ would also turn up in support.  Regretfully only one other person was present shortly before the meeting’s commencement.  Fortuitously therefore in some ways , RL, DD, SS and The Facebook Group member were informed moments before the meeting’s start of the withdrawal of the issue from the agenda.  Whitbread’s lawyers had declared that same day that the Foxlydiate had legally been given hotel status and was therefore exempt from being made a Community Asset. However, objections to the plans can be made on Bromsgrove District Council’s website by going into Planning Applications and putting in the postcode – B97 6PX.

JV felt that the roads around Webheath/Brockhill are chaotic enough without even more traffic.  RL pointed out that Webheath does not need more houses, it needs infrastructure and places to socialise for the houses already there.  Members are urged to submit their objections to the proposed demolition.


  • Persimmon Homes:-

(i) Section 106 payments

Despite MP Rachel Maclean’s involvement the payment by Persimmon Homes of section 106 monies and transfers of certain pieces of land have still not taken place.  RL told us that seven to eight hundred thousand pounds is owed to the Council by Persimmon Homes.

DD had been alerted by one our members that the BBC were considering covering, in a future programme, the issue of non-payment of section 106 monies by Persimmon and other property developers.

(ii) Completion of Pointers Way Phase 1

RL said that with the exception of Almondsbury Close, none of the roads on Pointers Way are anywhere near the standard to be adopted by RBC.  We will ask GM to chase this, now that she is back from maternity leave.

 (iii) New Application Brockhill East – Phase 3

A public consultation presentation was made at the Abbey Stadium on 14th May regarding Persimmon’s proposal to build 960 new dwellings.  At the presentation DD had asked Kate Tait, Persimmon’s Director Strategic Planning, to confirm that the proposed building work would not affect the historically significant cold war nuclear bunker.  She said that the farmer who leased the land had assured her it was only a disused water tank. DD and LD strongly refuted this and LD said she would send Kate information giving categorical proof of the bunker’s true origin.  Kate has been informed that the bunker was manned by the Royal Observer Corps, its number is SPO3396897, it was opened on 1/5/1963 and was closed down on the 1/10/1968. To date neither response nor comment has been made by Kate.


  • Carthorse Lane speed bumps:

Installation of the speed bumps has been delayed due to a few objections from local residents and the police.  RL is insisting that they are done as he has personally witnessed drivers speeding through the chicane and treating it as a game to see how quickly they can get through!  RL & BC will be attending a meeting this week and will insist that the speed bumps are installed.


  • Website hosting and GDPR Statement:

Renewal of the website hosting is due early in September.  SC has asked BM, our website administrator, to obtain a quote from the present provider.  BM has agreed to obtain other competitive quotes to ensure we get the best deal for the next 12 months.

A copy of our GDPR statement had been included with the notice to members when alerting them to the posting of the previous meeting’s minutes.  However there was no statement on our website and SC will contact BM to ask that this is added alongside the new members’ registration section on the Home page.


  • Membership list:

DD asked SC if she knew why he no longer received automatic notification when a new member joined via registration on our website.  SC said this facility was no longer available with our current hosting company. CI said that the filters on Excel could be programmed to do this and that she would be able to show DD how to set this up.  DD would contact BM to request details of new and unsubscribing members at the end of every calendar month. SC had delivered membership forms to new residents of Meadow View (Phase 2) resulting in several new additions.


  • Drug selling and suspect behaviour reports:

We had been contacted recently by a couple of members reporting instances of drug selling in Brockhill Park and the Nature Reserve.  PH told us that arrests had been made recently and those involved were not local people but drug dealers from outside the area. The Basketball Court in Brockhill Park is a prime meeting place for the sale of drugs.  She said it is happening in several areas around Redditch. If you witness any suspect behaviour, ring 101 to report it.

A non-member had contacted us via the website warning that a man had been seen trying the door handles of cars parked in Cookridge Close during the early hours of the morning.  The matter had been reported to the police.


  • Sale of Brockhill Wood:

A member had contacted us requesting details of the proposed sale of the woodland plot at the back of Dairy lane, Goscote Close and Carthorse Lane.  Another member residing in Goscote Close kindly supplied DD with information that was duly forwarded to the enquirer. Dealings with the selling Consortium are currently being handled by those residents concerned.


  • A.O.B.

A member had reported to DD that the trunk of a large oak tree, situated by the Red Ditch adjacent to Oversley Close, has been sprayed with red paint.  In addition to this vandalism, two swings had been attached to the lower branches. Aluminium ladders had been propped against the tree’s trunk to enable it to be climbed.  Considering the great height of the tree any scaling of it would constitute a considerable safety risk. DD had warned the group of children playing on the swings about the dangers of climbing the tree.  LD asked PH if RBC has a Tree Warden. PH told us that they do not.

JV asked RL why the bund had been removed from Brockhill Drive’s grassy area, near the junction of Appletree Lane, where the new crossing was constructed last year.  Before the crossing was installed the ridge of grass stopped vehicles from parking on the area. The large circle of grass is an ideal spot for travellers to camp on but now there is nothing to prevent access.  RL said that he would put in a request to have the bund put back.

Actions from this meeting:

JV to contact GM to obtain an update on her discussions with Claire Flanagan re Mainstay’s service charges.

DD to arrange compilation of questions for the Quiz Night.

SC to apply for Alcohol Licence for theQuiz Night.

JV to ask GM to contact Persimmon to obtain permission for erection of new notice board on Pointers Way.

DD to contact Royal Mail again re the installation of a post box on Pointers Way.

GM to chase Persimmon regarding the standard of roads on Pointers Way Phase 1 pre-adoption.

RL and BC to progress installation of speed bumps in Carthorse Lane.

BM to obtain competitive quote for website hosting.

SC to liaise with BM re adding GDPR statement to website.

DD to request monthly updates of new and leaving members from BM.

RL to arrange for the bund to be replaced in Appletree Lane/Brockhill Drive junction.


Meeting ended at 9.15 pm.

Download your copy here: 

July 2019 Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Meeting Tuesday February 26th 2019 held at 4 Pink Green Lane


Minutes of Meeting Tuesday February 26th 2019 held at 4 Pink Green Lane

Those Present:

Sylvia Collinson                                SC

David Dallaway                                DD

Lynn Dallaway                                 LD

Malcom Gilks                                   MG

Claire Ivins                                        CI

Gemma Monaco                             GM

Julie Vincent                                     JV


Guests in attendance: WCC Brandon Clayton (BC) and RBC Pattie Hill (PH).

WCC Robin Lunn (RL) was unable to attend but participated via Skype.

Apologies were received from RBC Anita Clayton and Stephen Siddle.


The Agenda:

  1. Welcome to new Committee Members
  2. Actions arising from last meeting in November 2018
  3. Community House
  4. Mainstay’s maintenance charges for Pointers Way and Meadow View
  5. Litter Pick
  6. Quiz Night
  7. Website
  8. Sale of land at rear of Carthorse Lane
  9. Land change of ownership – the field behind Parklands Close/Dairy Lane
  10. O.B.


  1. Welcome to new Committee Members:

Two new Committee Members, Claire Ivins and Malcolm Gilks, who had offered their services after the AGM, were welcomed to their first committee meeting.  Claire will be monitoring our Facebook page and Malcolm has volunteered his landscaping and general maintenance skills, should they be required.

  1. Actions Arising from last meeting:

DD had emailed Clare Flanagan, Principal Solicitor for RBC, enquiring about the latest position on the adoption of the Nature Reserve bordered by Brockhill Lane and Plumstead Close.  Ms Flanagan had responded that the Council were expecting to hear from solicitors for Persimmon but nothing had been received as yet.  She would now ask the Property Team Leader to chase this up as a matter of urgency.

In addition our Councillors had contacted Redditch MP Rachel Maclean, asking her to write to David Jenkinson, the interim Chief Executive of Persimmon Homes, regarding the twenty years delay in handing over Section 106 monies and the adoption of some Brockhill roads and public open spaces.   GM had also contacted Bullivant Media, who published an article in the Friday February 22 issue of The Redditch Standard newspaper.  David Jenkinson has vowed to investigate personally ongoing issues.

RL informed us that WCC have now taken possession from Persimmon of the land on which the new Holyoakes Field first School will be built.  The predicted date of completion is the summer of 2020, ready for the September intake.

BC informed us that following on from the tightening of the chicane in Carthorse Lane, a speed bump will now be created to assist the traffic calming measures.

BC & RL had contacted Traffic Safety and Control  Officers to monitor traffic speeds in Salters Lane, near to Oaktree Avenue.   The results are still awaited.

  1. Community House:

The bungalow Persimmon had supposedly built with the intention of allowing its use by the Association as a temporary meeting place, now appears to be being used for storage purposes.  The building was never a viable option with rooms that were unsuitable for meetings and insufficient surrounding  parking space.  GM has received an email from Persimmon Homes South offering a porta cabin that could be placed temporarily on the open area somewhere adjacent to the old Pointers Way showhouse.  The maintenance and security issues connected with such a building were discussed at the meeting, leading to the unanimous decision of its unsuitability.

Persimmon have also offered us plot 111, a two- storey house to be built mid-2020.  They have said in the short term  the house could temporarily be configured to our needs on the ground floor and the first floor could be boxed off.  GM will be contacting Persimmon to inform them this too would be unsuitable because of limited floor space, limited parking facilities, the house being not fully available for use and the day to day running costs that would have to be borne by the Association.

DD suggested that if we were no longer asking Persimmon to provide a temporary Community Building, perhaps they would like instead  to finance the supply and erection of a notice board on Pointers Way.   CI asked us why we couldn’t have a Council run Community Centre, like those in other areas of Redditch.  The Councillors explained that RBC is not running the Leisure Department any more with responsibility for such matters resting with Rubicon Leisure Ltd.  Rubicon are not taking on the running of any new Community Centres.

  1. Mainstay:

This is the company responsible for the maintenance of the public open spaces and grass verges on Pointers Way and Meadow View.  They charge residents an annual service fee which has increased every year so far.  We have been informed by members who live on Pointers Way that the charges increased by a further 6% in January this year.  GM will write to Claire Flanagan of RBC and Simon Mallinson, WCC’s Head of Legal and Democratic Service, to inform them that residents are very unhappy with these increased charges, especially as they cannot see much improvement to the public open spaces.  It was felt that Mainstay should not be allowed to keep increasing the fees well above the level of inflation and that there should be some sort of cap on charges.

  1. Litter Pick:

It was decided to hold our annual Litter Pick on Saturday May 11th.  JV will arrange to borrow the equipment from RBC and arrange for the collection of the rubbish bags.  Further details will be posted on our website and Facebook page and all members emailed to notify them of the time and date.

  1. Quiz Night:

The Annual Quiz Night will be held sometime in October.  This will need to be on either a Monday or Saturday evening, as those are the only evenings available to hire the Batchley Community Centre.  This is another reason why we need our own Community Hall as we are currently restricted as to when we can hold events.

  1. Website:

As a result of an email sent out to all members in January, Ben Moseley had kindly volunteered his services to handle the administration of the website.  He met up with Jules Collinson for a brief induction and is now in control.  We will be inviting Ben to our next meeting if he is available to attend.

DD was concerned that he had not received notification of any new members joining for some time.  He queried whether the mechanism for alerting him of new memberships via the website was still functioning.

DD asked if we could put a statement on our website that covered obligations under General Data Protection Regulations.

  1. Sale of Land at the Rear of Carthorse Lane/Longmoor Close:

Persimmon Homes have still not been communicating satisfactorily with the solicitors of those residents purchasing land at the rear of their properties.   One of our members has told JV that he is so fed up of the undergrowth behind his garden that nobody wants to take responsibility for, that he is thinking of moving.  BC said that he will contact the Council’s solicitor to find out what is preventing the land sale going ahead.

  1. Land change of ownership at the rear of Parklands Close/Dairy Lane:

JV said her neighbour had been informed by the local farmer that ownership of the field, behind the houses in Parklands Close upon which his sheep graze, had changed .  JV had previously been interested in who owned this land.  She had asked RL on several occasions who was responsible for the upkeep of the fence in Appletree Lane that is in need of repair.  BC said the land was in Bromsgrove and owned by Persimmon Homes.  PH suggested that we ask Malcolm Gilks to quote for repair of the fence.

  1. O.B.

One of our members had reported to us that a lamppost was not working in Wooton Close.  DD passed on the details to our Councillors who had arranged its repair.  The other issue reported by this member was the provision of a grit bin for Wooton Close.  BC told us that an appeal is taking place with regard to the request for a yellow grit bin as the original request had been refused last year.  He said that Wooton Close is considered to have the steepest incline in Brockhill and is hopeful of getting one installed.  DD said that speaking parochially he would like a grit bin in Pink Green Lane as the steep hill up to Wheelers Lane was usually impassable when it snowed.


Actions from this meeting:

GM to contact Persimmon Homes North regarding the Community House.

GM to contact Claire Flanagan at RBC with regard to Mainstay’s service charge increases.

BC to contact RBC’s solicitors to find out when the sale of land to residents in Carthorse Lane/Longmoor Close will go ahead.

BC to find out who owns the land to the rear of Parklands Close/Dairy Lane.

MG to prepare a quotation for the repair of the fence which separates the above field and Appletree Lane’s public open space.

JV to arrange to borrow equipment for the Litter Pick on Saturday May 11th.

JV to book Batchley Community Hall for the Quiz Night In October.


Meeting ended at 9.35 pm.


Download your copy here: 

Minutes of Meeting Tuesday February 26th 2019 held at 4 Pink Green Lane



Minutes of Meeting Thursday March 8th 2018 held at Alestones


Minutes of Meeting Thursday March 8th 2018 held at Alestones

Those Present:

David Dallaway                                   DD

Lynn Dallaway                                      LD

Julie Vincent                                          JV

Tish Greenway                                      TG

Gemma Moore                                     GM2

Stephen Siddle                                     SS

Apologies from Pattie Hill (PH), Emma Fletcher (EF), James Doble (JD), Sylvia Collinson (SC) and Gemma Monaco (GM1)

Guests in attendance: – WCC Brandon Clayton (BC), RBC Anita Clayton (AC) and WCC Robin Lunn (RL)

The Agenda:

  1. Actions arising from meeting on 16.11.17
  2. Nature Reserve adoption
  3. Speed calming measures at Oak Tree Avenue/Salters Lane junction
  4. Meadow View development & Community Building
  5. Holyoakes Field First School
  6. Carthorse Lane chicane tightening
  7. Deep dip in pavement at top of Lowfield Lane
  8. Murder Mystery Evening
  9. Bicycle auction
  10. Brockhill Committee emails and Members’ List
  11. Broken fence in Appletree Lane (at the Dairy Lane end) Public Open Space
  12. Brown Hairstreak butterfly
  13. Brockhill football team
  14. Brockhill Park litter bin
  15. G.M.
  16. O.B.


  1. Actions from last meeting not covered in main agenda:

The litter bin on the pathway adjacent to Greenford Close, requested via PH, had now been installed.

Safety improvements at the bottom of the steps leading from the Nature Reserve down on to Brockhill Lane remained an outstanding issue. This will be left in abeyance until after PH’s recovery from illness.

RL informed us that there is still no commencement date for building of the new Holyoakes Field First School.

BC checked with RBC Planning Department on the position of the new school’s entrance.

  1. Nature Reserve adoption:

RL is still awaiting confirmation as to whether the Nature Reserve, bordered by Brockhill Lane and Plumstead Close, has been adopted by RBC.

  1. Speed calming measures at the junction of Oak Tree Avenue/Salters Lane

RL had spoken to Maurice Carlos, a Highways Officer at WCC, who has approved the construction of a crossing at this location. It will consist of bollards and markings on the road warning motorists to slow down. RL managed to secure the cost at half the original price and the monies will be provided from his WCC discretionary fund. He will inform us of the start date when given.

  1. Meadow View development & Community Building:

BC had met with the Planning Department of RBC and a Persimmon Planning Officer to discuss the Community Building to be provided from section 106 monies. The Association would be able to use the building for community activities. This would be a temporary measure until a Community Hall is built near to the school. The Committee Members will need to enter into a legal entity agreement to cover for any legal or insurance matters that may arise. BC said that this needs to be done a.s.a.p. He suggested that we take advice from B.A.R.N. (Bromsgrove and Redditch Network) based in Easemore Road as they have experience of these matters. DD pointed out we would require the input of JD whose knowledge and expertise in this area would be invaluable.

  1. Holyoakes Field First School:

Notice has been served on Persimmon by John Hobbs, Director of Economy and Infrastructure at WCC, as they are in breach of contract with regards to the building of the new school. The school should have been built before the second phase of the house building started. We were told the delay was due to a small piece of land, not belonging to Persimmon, that they were trying to obtain from the landowner. The Head of Holyoakes Field First School has received a letter from Persimmon to explain the delay. It would appear that Persimmon communicate better with the school’s Head than they do with Ruth Bamford, RBC’s Head of Planning and Regeneration. Jeanette Beckett from Place Partnership has also been trying to assist with negotiating a start date.

  1. Carthorse Lane Chicane Tightening:

The chicane in Carthorse Lane was very slightly tightened in January, but not enough to have the desired effect. Drivers still do not need to slow down to pass through it. RL had put traffic cones in place in an attempt to tighten the configuration but these were removed by a resident who disagrees with the work being done. GM2 told us that she replaced the cones on a couple of occasions only to find them removed again. Eventually she confronted the individual who claimed that placement of the cones was illegal. GM2 explained that the work had been sanctioned by WCC. RL has since contacted the disgruntled resident to explain why the work was being done and that it had already been approved. RL will let us know when the workmen will return to tighten the chicane further.

A few weeks ago DD became aware of widening work being carried out on the chicane in Butlers Hill Lane. He had referred this to RL who confirmed it was a tiny and very long overdue change to enable a resident to turn onto his drive going north, rather than having to turn round up the road and enter going south. RL had been trying to get this done for years, as it was not put in properly originally by the developers.   It should not make the chicane any less effective but certainly improve things for the resident.

  1. Deep dip In pavement at top of Lowfield Lane (opposite Rhymes Nursery School):

RL was under the impression that the work here had been carried out. JV assured him that it had not. He said that he will find out what is causing the delay. The tarmac on the path has sunk so low as to be a hazard for pedestrians, especially wheelchair and pushchair users. The path is opposite a Nursery School and more likely, therefore, to be used by mothers with pushchairs and children on bicycles and scooters.

  1. Murder Mystery Evening:

This event arranged by SS, who is a member of the Alvechurch Dramatic Society, is taking place on Friday and Saturday 9th & 10th March at Alvechurch Village Hall. SS told us that ticket sales were doing well. B.R.A. will share the profits with three other charities thus providing us with welcome income to help with our running costs. We will report on how much we receive in the next minutes

  1. Bicycle auction:

JV conducted the auction of a child’s bicycle donated by one of our members, Robin Dennis, who runs a business of assembling and selling bicycles and accessories. We thought it would be of interest as an ideal Christmas present. Details were displayed with a photograph on our website, Facebook page and both notice boards in the run up to Christmas. Also all members were emailed alerting them to the auction. Unfortunately no bids were received so JV will re-auction it in the spring.

  1. Brockhill Committee emails and Members’ List:

DD added this to the agenda before we knew that EF was unable to attend the meeting. As the maintainer of the list of members, he wanted to ask her for the names and postal addresses of new members who had registered recently. At present all that he receives is an email address. He also wished to confirm which committee members were included in ‘committee@brockhill.org.uk’ and ‘post@brockhill.org.uk’. DD will now contact EF outside the meeting.

  1. Broken fence in Appletree Lane adjacent to Public Open Space (at the Dairy Lane end):

We reported this to RL several months ago but it has still not been replaced or repaired. RL said that he will chase it up again for us. He couldn’t understand why it hadn’t been done, especially as workmen had been in the area last week.

  1. Brown Hairstreak butterfly:

B.R.A. had received an email from a representative of the “West Midlands Butterfly Conservation”. They are searching for the presence of the rare Brown Hairstreak butterfly – the closest location to Brockhill where its eggs have been found so far is Foxlydiate Wood. We have agreed to display posters requesting the reporting of any sightings on our noticeboards in the summer, to coincide with the flight period of this rare butterfly.

  1. Brockhill football team:

We have received an email from a member who wishes to form a Brockhill football team. Initially the aim would be to start up a men’s team to play in either the Redditch or Bromsgrove Sunday league. Longer term it would be hoped to open this up further as the community grows, to maybe have a ladies’ team, youth teams and a veteran’s team if there were sufficient interest. We have agreed to help by displaying promotional details on our website, Facebook page and notice boards. Anybody wanting to play or willing to help should email ‘brockhillfootball@yahoo.com’.

  1. Brockhill Park Litter Bin:

One of our members has requested a replacement litter bin to be placed near to the subway by the entrance to Brockhill Park. A bin existed there a few years ago but it was vandalised and hasn’t been replaced. AC said that she would put in a request.

  1. G.M.

We discussed when to hold this year’s A.G.M. We usually hold it in April, but with the Easter holidays and our Councillors being busy with the local elections in May, we decided to postpone it until June.

  1. O.B.

We are pleased to see that the undergrowth of brambles and long grasses has been cut back in Brockhill Park. The ground should recover, when the better weather arrives, from the damage caused by tyre marks from the work vans which were needed to transport the equipment necessary to do the job.

Undergrowth has also been tidied up in the pond by the pathway leading from Carthorse Lane to Appletree Lane, according to GM2, who lives nearby.

A non-member of the Association had recently asked if we could help advertise his newly set up business. DD had responded to say that unfortunately we were unable to promote private business interests and had turned down previous similar requests from some of our members.

Actions from this meeting:

RL to continue with his attempts in determining when the building of the Holyoakes Field First School will commence.

RL to find out when the chicane in Carthorse Lane will be tightened or if there is an alternative traffic calming measure to be taken.

RL to chase the investigation and repair of the deep dip on the pathway leading off the top of Lowfield Lane near to the last barn conversion on left hand side, opposite Rhymes Nursery.

RL to find out when the fence on the public open space in Appletree Lane (Dairy Lane end) will be repaired

AC to request a replacement litter bin by the subway on the Public Open Space near to Brockhill Park.

JV to contact B.A.R.N. for advice on setting up the Community Building.

Meeting ended at 9.15 pm.

Download your copy here: 

Committee Meeting Thursday March 8th 2018.



Minutes of November’s meeting 2017


Committee Meeting Thursday November 16th

Minutes of Meeting Thursday November 16th 2017 held at Alestones 

Those Present:

David Dallaway                                                      DD

Lynn Dallaway                                      LD

Sylvia Collinson                                                      SC

Julie Vincent                                          JV

Tish Greenway                                      TG

Gemma Monaco                                  GM1

Gemma Moore                                     GM2


Apologies were received from Pattie Hill (PH), Emma Fletcher (EF), James Doble, Stephen Siddle (SS) & Anita Clayton.


Guests in attendance: – WCC Brandon Clayton (BC) and WCC Robin Lunn (RL).


DD welcomed GM2 to her first meeting.


The Agenda:


  1. Actions arising from meeting on 27.7.17
  2. Pointers Way progress with Persimmon
  3. Anti -social behaviour near to derelict barns
  4. Update on new Holyoakes Field First School
  5. Carthorse Lane tightening of chicane
  6. Deep dip in pavement at top of Low Field Lane
  7. Murder Mystery Evening
  8. Quiz Night profit
  9. O.B.


  1. Actions from last meeting:


The litter bin for the pathway adjacent to Greenford Close remained an outstanding issue. PH will be asked to pursue.

The blocking in of the gap under the gate at the top of the steps leading from Brockhill Lane into the Nature Reserve has now been done. PH was thanked for expediting this. There is however another problem at the bottom of the wooden steps. After a period of rain one of our members descended the muddy and slippy steps. When she got to the bottom two steps on the flat that are not covered with anti-slip metal wiring, she slipped and fell. This resulted in her sustaining considerable bruising, a painful coccyx, sprained arm and soft tissue damage. In addition to the two steps not being non-slip, the lowest step leading into the road is also slightly angled pointing downwards so again making it easier for an accident to happen. PH has since spoken to the injured person and will investigate what can be done to improve the safety of the steps.

Adoption of the Nature Reserve continues to be held up, seemingly by Persimmon’s lawyers. It was commented that Persimmon and its staff are becoming increasingly difficult to contact and obtain feedback from. One of our members is threatening to report the procrastination to the press.

DD is now in possession of a copy of the parking covenant for Pointers Way residents.

The website hosting had been renewed with the same supplier but at a substantially discounted rate compared to the previous year.

The support grant of £250 from Worcestershire County Council had now been received. BC was thanked for this generous donation.

RL confirmed that speed measures etc. had now been carried out for the crossing near the junction of Oaktree Lane into Brockhill Park. He now awaited notification of a start date.

JV had duly booked the Batchley Community Hall for the Quiz Night.

  1. Pointers Way progress with Persimmon:

GM1 met Olly Pocock, a Persimmon Planning Officer, a few weeks ago. She led him on a tour of Pointers Way to point out, amongst other things, the appalling state of the land between Burrington Close and Mettis Aerospace. They talked about having a new spur in the path that runs alongside the wasteland, as at present the path leads nowhere. Several residents came out to speak to the officer when they realised who he was, asking him about Persimmon’s plans for the area. Not surprisingly he then endured somewhat of a hard time!

A few days later workmen cleared the wasteland and deposited topsoil to make it look better. Several more speed bumps have been installed along Burrington Close to slow down traffic since the next phase of the housing development has now started. Two new dog litter bins have been installed and the lamp posts, which had not been working, now have electricity connected to them. A new path with kerb stones has also been constructed. GM1 informed us that the Marketing Suite is now open for ‘Meadow View’ as the new development is called. Plans for the site are now on show there. RL expressed surprise that the next phase was now imminent as it was not scheduled to start until after the new school had been built. He asked to be notified the moment the first brick was laid and will contact Kevin Dicks, RBC’s Chief Executive, with regards to the section 106 money that is paid by the developer to the Council for the benefit of the area. (See also item 4. Below)

GM1 was congratulated for her ‘never say die’ attitude in the pursuit of obtaining action by Persimmon.


  1. Anti-social behaviour near to derelict barns:

We have received reports from residents, walking their dogs on the land near to the derelict barn on the edge of Pointers Way, of youths on scrambler and quad bikes who were causing a disturbance and setting fire to the barns. Firefighters and police have attended the scene on several occasions. The owner of the land has been contacted by Richard Waterhouse, Redditch Community Safety Projects Officer. It is hoped that the owner will repair existing or install better fencing, as at present the entrance to the barn is still easily accessible.

A scrambler bike rider has also been seen riding up to the fields surrounding the barn. He appears regularly from Wheelers Lane and roars up Cookridge Close wearing no helmet and without lights, even though it is normally dusk or night time when he ventures out on to the public highway. On occasions he has also been seen speeding down the public open space from the barns down to the Red Ditch, an area regularly used by walkers. PH has informed us that the police are aware of this and have been patrolling regularly.

The issue of the young scrambler bike riders in the Nature Reserve appears to have been resolved satisfactorily following a visit by PCSO Edward Wood to one of the residents in Plumstead Close.

  1. Update on new Holyoakes Field First School:

RL had met with the Head Teacher of Holyoakes Field First School on 27th September to discuss the building of the new school. We had been told at July’s meeting that there were problems with the land where the entrance to the School should be, as it did not belong to Persimmon. RL said that he had been told at a planning meeting that this was not a problem as Persimmon still own enough nearby land to be able to divert the entrance slightly. BC said that he thinks that the entrance will be in Dovecote Close but will inspect the plans at the Town Hall this week. RL said that now that we know that Phase 2 is due to commence and the Marketing Suite has been erected, he will be able to contest how the developer has been granted the authority to proceed, when the school hasn’t even been started and as the plans state it should be built before the next wave of houses. It may be that the Marketing Suite has been set up, but the houses will be sold from plan. RL said that a colleague of his, Nigel Wilson, has a good rapport with Persimmon and would ask him to see if he can find out when the building of the school would commence.

  1. Carthorse Lane tightening of chicane:

BC has been in touch with a new WCC Engineer, Paul Green, who has informed him that the work to tighten the chicane in Carthorse Lane has been agreed and should be completed before Christmas. There will also be some ‘Slow’ signs painted on the road on both approaches to the chicane.

  1. Deep dip in the pavement at top of Low Field Lane:

RL was reminded that the dip in the pavement near Rhymes Nursery still had not been repaired. He was under the impression that the pavement had been investigated and repaired. RL will now report back to the Highways Department and progress the matter.
Murder Mystery Evening:

SS had informed JV by email, as he was not available to attend the meeting, of details for the Murder Mystery evening. JV said that the event will be held on two consecutive evenings, Friday March 9th and Saturday March 10th 2018, at Alvechurch Village Hall. The two performances would be for the benefit of four separate organisations or charities and consequently, if we sold all our allocation, we would receive a quarter of the total proceeds. Ticket prices are expected to be £8 per person and attendees will be able to bring their own drinks, although tea and coffee will be available. The capacity of the hall with the audience seated is 80, so teams of 8 people at each of the 10 tables will be set up. The aim will be, therefore, to sell a total of 160 tickets over the two nights. BRA’s target sales would therefore be 40 tickets. Clearly the fewer the tickets that are sold overall, the less are the shared proceeds. Members are asked therefore to keep one of dates free to support what will be a most enjoyable evening and provide additional funds for the Association.. All members will be contacted about the event early in the New Year.

  1. Quiz Night Profit:

The Quiz Night held on October 16th was a success, thanks to our Quiz Master DD and his assistant LD. Six teams of six and one of four people had an enjoyable evening with a variety of topical questions put together well by our host. A bar was served by two of our members, Matt Collinson and John Dallaway, and that, together with ticket sales and raffle ticket proceeds, raised a profit of just over £200. JV had sent out letters of thanks to our raffle prize sponsors and arranged for an article to be printed in the Standard Newspaper.

DD did however express his disappointment regarding the number of members who attended this annual fundraising event. The profits go a long way towards enabling us not to have to charge a membership fee. Of the seven teams, two were organised by DD and consisted totally of non-members.  JV and BC both provided a team and the team of four people included SC, TG & RL. That meant at least five of the seven teams were organised by committee members and councillors.

  1. O.B.

JV informed Committee Members that Robin Dennis, one of our members who has a bicycle sales business, has most generously donated a brand new small girl’s bicycle for us to auction again this year. Bidding will start at £40 and will have a cut- off date of Thursday December 14th. This will make an ideal Christmas present for a lucky little girl. The contact details are on our website and on the posters displayed on our notice boards. Also JV will request EF to email all members with the details.

JV was talking recently to a disabled lady who rides a motorised wheelchair around Brockhill Park/Wetlands. She was having difficulty to get her wheels up on the tarmac surface on the bridge, as it has dropped at the one end. RL said that he will put in a request for the tarmac to be raised.

GM2 told us that the pond, at the side of the pathway leading off Carthorse Lane by the post box, is full of overgrowth and rubbish which needs clearing out. BC said that this is a job that is done over the winter.



Actions from this meeting:

  • PH to chase up the long outstanding request for a litter bin on the pathway adjacent to Greenford Close.
  • PH to pursue the possibility of making of safety improvements at the bottom steps leading from the Nature Reserve down on to Brockhill Lane.
  • RL to find out when the building of the Holyoakes Field First School will commence.
  • RL to chase the investigation and repair of the deep dip on the left hand side of the pathway leading from the top of Low Field Lane near to the last barn conversion by Rhymes Nursery.
  • BC to view the Meadow View Housing Development plans at the Town Hall, to confirm where the entrance to the School will be situated.
  • JV to run the auction of the donated bicycle.
  • RL to request the repair of the sunken tarmac on the Brockhill Park/Wetlands bridge.

Meeting ended at 9.35 pm.




Minutes of meeting

Minutes of Meeting Thursday July 27th 2017

Please find minutes of our latest meeting.


Minutes of Meeting Thursday July 27th 2017 held at Alestones


Those Present:

David Dallaway

Lynn Dallaway

Sylvia Collinson

Julie Vincent

Tish Greenway

James Doble

Stephen Siddle


Apologies were received from Pattie Hill, Emma Fletcher and Margaret Mole.


Guests in attendance: – RBC Anita Clayton, WCC Brandon Clayton (both in attendance from 8 pm) and WCC Robin Lunn (in attendance from 8.40 pm).



The Agenda:


  • Actions arising from previous meeting on 13.2.17
  • Welcome to new committee members and discussion of their roles
  • Update on new Holyoakes Field First School
  • Website hosting
  • Pointers Way and progress with Persimmon
  • Salters Lane traffic calming measures and new crossing near junction of Oaktree Lane into Brockhill Park
  • Carthorse Lane speeding issues
  • Deep dip in pavement near to Rhymes Nursery
  • Murder Mystery Evening
  • Quiz Night
  • O.B.


Actions from last meeting:


As Robin Lunn was unable to attend the last meeting, David Dallaway emailed him on 16th Feb requesting updates on outstanding matters from our 13th July 2016 meeting.


The litter bin for the pathway adjacent to Greenford Close has still not been installed. Pattie Hill would again be asked to pursue this.


Pattie Hill had arranged for RBC to carry out an excellent job in blocking in the gaps on either side of the gated entrance at the top of the steps leading from Brockhill Lane to the Nature Reserve. However, there is now an additional request for blocking in of the gap under the gate itself as it is sufficiently large to allow even large dogs to pass through it and descend on to Brockhill Lane.


David Dallaway is now receiving names and postal details of new recruits and leavers from Sylvia Collinson thus enabling him to keep the members list up-to-date.


David Dallaway had emailed Pattie Hill and Robin Lunn again recently to seek confirmation as to whether adoption of the Nature Reserve had taken place. In addition he had enquired as to whether Persimmon still owns the strip of Public Open Space land between Pink Green Lane and Cookridge Close. Pattie had responded to say the matter had been referred for clarification to Ruth Bamford, RBC’s Head of Planning and Regeneration.


All members had been contacted ahead of the AGM asking for volunteers to join the committee. This had resulted in the recruitment of four new committee members – Emma Fletcher, Margaret Mole, Gemma Monaco and Stephen Siddle.


David Dallaway had requested a copy of the parking covenant from the Pointers Way resident who had contacted us. Unfortunately there had been no response to the request. Sylvia Collinson said she would see if a copy could be obtained from her son who lives in Cookridge Close.


In the absence of Pattie Hill, it was not known whether she had thanked the member living in Brockhill Lane for the fence repair he had carried out himself. James Doble commented on what a good job the member had done.

Julie Vincent had duly booked the Batchley Community Hall for the A.G.M.


Julie Vincent arranged to borrow litter picks and bin bags from RBC for the Litter Pick on Saturday July 8th. The event had proved successful with the consensus of opinion being that there was markedly less litter this year than last. A picture and small article had been included in The Redditch Standard on 21st July. David Dallaway commented that the number attending the pick was very disappointing when considering our overall membership level of more than 350.


Welcome to new members and discussion of their roles:

An informal meeting to welcome the new committee members had already been held chez Dallaway on 8th May. Emma Fletcher, Gemma Monaco and Stephen Siddle had all attended and apologies were received from Margaret Mole. Of those only Stephen Siddle was present at this evening’s meeting. We explained three vacant positions existed, that of Chairperson, Membership Secretary and Events Co-ordinator. He asked what the Membership Secretary’s role involved and David Dallaway explained that he had taken on the duties of updating the spreadsheet of members’ contact details following the resignation of Doug Wilks. Stephen Siddle said that he was familiar with spreadsheets and would be happy to take on this role if required.


Update on new Holyoakes Field First School:

Parents were informed in April that the school would not be able to move to its new premises on Pointers Way until at least January 2019. Robin Lunn announced that since then it has been discovered that not all the land actually belongs to Persimmon Homes. Apparently some is owned by a farmer and a German company. James Doble clarified the legal position regarding Section 106 and planning applications. Brandon Clayton was attending a meeting with Persimmon the next day and would raise our concerns about the delay and let us know the outcome.


Website hosting:

We decided at our last meeting there was a need to find a cheaper website host as the current one had become uncompetitive. Sylvia Collinson confirmed that the required advanced termination notice had been given to the current provider. Stephen Siddle had mentioned, at our informal meeting in May, that he had a contact (David) through his drama group who would be able to accommodate our hosting needs at no cost. Emma Fletcher, our new website administrator, has already researched some other hosting sites. As we use WordPress at the moment we probably need to ensure that any new hosting site has this option included. Emma will arrange to meet with David and Sylvia Collinson’s son Jules, the previous administrator. They will compare the services kindly offered by David and those of the other companies that Emma has looked at. We need to have the new host provider set up by September when the current contract expires.

David Dallaway explained that the profits from the annual Quiz Night just about covered the current costs of maintaining the website. Brandon Clayton very generously offered a grant of £250 from his WCC fund to be used towards our running costs.


Pointers Way and progress with Persimmon:

Gemma Monaco had sent Persimmon Homes South Midlands a fairly extensive report containing photographs highlighting the current poor state of the Pointers Way estate, especially around Burrington Close and the public open space area and boundary facing towards Mettis Aerospace. Their response indicated that they had recently appointed additional resource in order to ensure that estate completions were completed in a more timely manner and this development would be a priority for them. Hopefully some progression/completion of the public open space area and also the footpaths should be seen fairly soon, particularly as phase 2 is scheduled to start in the autumn.

Gemma has been unable, however, to obtain clarification as to who is responsible for the barns. She hopes to elicit this from Persimmon’s MD at a forthcoming meeting. As an interim measure Gemma had yet again tried to get in touch with Kate Tait, Strategic Planning Director of Persimmon Homes, but she was proving to be a particularly hard lady to track down! Brandon Clayton said that he was likely to see Kate at a forthcoming meeting with Persimmon. Julie Vincent asked if he could find out about the land that Persimmon had agreed to sell to those residents whose houses backed on to waste land in Carthorse Lane and Longmoor Close, as several of our members are concerned.


Salters Lane traffic calming measures and new crossing near junction of Oaktree Lane into Brockhill Park:

Robin Lunn told us that he has discussed a new crossing with the Highways Department at WCC for which approval has been granted. Hopefully more details of the design of the crossing will be available at our next meeting.


Carthorse Lane speeding issues:


Gemma and Phil Moore had contacted us regarding speeding vehicles in Carthorse Lane. Whilst it was appreciated that traffic calming measures were in place, they were deemed inadequate. Of particular concern was the pedestrian crossing point by the postbox and community notice board. A meeting at this location was held on 18th July attended by around 40 people consisting of residents, David and Lynn Dallaway, Robin Lunn, Brandon Clayton, Richard Clewer of the Highways Agency and Police Community Support Officer Edward Wood. The following week a door knocking exercise was carried out in Carthorse Lane, and roads there off, by Robin, Brandon, Gemma Moore and a couple of other residents plus David and Lynn Dallaway and Tisha Greenway. Residents were asked for their opinion on three options: –


  1. Block off Carthorse Lane with bollards where the chicane is currently situated, thus turning the road into two cul-de-sacs with access to the west via Blackwell Lane and to the east via Butlers Hill Lane.
  2. Modify the chicane to make it more effective of causing vehicles to slow down (it is currently possible for drivers to negotiate it without slowing down or having to turn their steering wheel).
  3. Do nothing and leave things as they are.

Robin Lunn is currently evaluating the results of the opinion poll.


Deep dip in the pavement near to Rhymes Nursery:

Following our last meeting in February, Sylvia Collinson emailed pictures of the dip to Robin Lunn. He was under the impression that the pavement had been investigated and repaired. We told him that it had not and he will now report back to the Highways Department and get this looked at.


Murder Mystery Evening:

Stephen Siddle had discussed with the Alvechurch Dramatic Society, of whom he is a member, the possibility of our being able to invite members to a Murder Mystery Evening. David Dallaway had expressed reservations about holding this event solely for Association members as around 70 attendees would be required to make it viable. Historically we have struggled to obtain good turn outs at our quizzes, AGMs and litter picks. However it was felt it would be an attractive proposition if we could combine the evening with one or more other organisations. The performance would be held at the Alvechurch Village Hall in February next year. We are hoping that this will be of interest to our members as it will be an enjoyable and good fund raising event.

Quiz Night:

We discussed holding the annual Quiz Night in October again. James Doble said that he would be able to provide a sound system and David Dallaway said that he could provide the quiz questions. Some of the profits arise from our bar and snacks sales and we will therefore stress to members attending that there will be no admittance to people bringing in their own food and drinks. Julie Vincent will organise the booking of the Batchley Community Centre.



Nobody had any further issues to raise.

Actions from this meeting:

  • Pattie Hill to request a litter bin for the pathway adjacent to Greenford Close.
  • Pattie Hill to request the blocking in of the gap under the gate at the top of the stairs in the Nature Reserve.
  • Pattie Hill to seek clarification from Ruth Bamford as to whether the Nature Reserve has now been adopted.
  • Sylvia Collinson to investigate whether her son could provide a copy of the parking covenant governing Pointers Way residents.
  • Brandon Clayton to raise with Persimmon our concerns regarding the delay in the building of the new Holyoakes Field First School.
  • Emma Fletcher to meet with Stephen Siddle’s contact David and Sylvia Collinson’s son Jules regarding the website hosting.
  • Brandon Clayton to enquire with Persimmon about the current position regarding the sale of land to Carthorse Lane and Longmoor Close residents whose houses back on to current waste land.
  • Robin Lunn to pursue with the Highways Department the repair of the deep dip on the pathway by Rhymes Nursery.
  • Julie Vincent to book the Batchley Community Centre for the Quiz Night

The meeting ended at 9.25 pm.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday August 24th. This will mainly be to discuss further arrangements for the Quiz Night.

March 2015


Minutes of Meeting Monday March 9th 2015

Those Present:

David Dallaway​​​​​DD

Lynn Dallaway​​​​​LD

Julie Vincent​​​​​JV

James Doble​​​​​JD

Angie Preece​​​​​AP

Guest in attendance: – WCC Robin Lunn.​​RL

Apologies from Sylvia Collinson, Tish Greenway and Pattie Hill

The Agenda:

1. A.G.M. – Date & Venue

2. Superfast Broadband

3. New Road Signage

4. Sale of Land at Rear of Carthorse Lane

5. Nature Reserve Path

6. New Membership Leaflets – Print & Distribution

7. PACT Meetings

8. Walking Maps & Leaflets

9. Litter Pick

10. Paths leading nowhere on Pointers Way

11. Greenford Close Litter Bin

12. Pathway needed at Lily Green Lane Traffic Island

1. A.G.M. Date & Venue:

A discussion took place about where and when to hold this year’s A.G.M. RL suggested that it be held after the General Election on May 7th. We decided that good attendance figures were more likely if the meeting was held at a local establishment rather than at the Tardebigge Community Hall, the previous two years’ venue. We will be comparing the suitability and cost of three local Community Halls in Batchley and will post a notice on the website when the venue has been booked. An e-mail will be sent to all members once the details are posted.

Action JV

2. Superfast Broadband:

We received an e-mail from one of our members, Peter Merricks, requesting support from the Association in his quest to obtain more information regarding the installation of fibre optic broadband in Brockhill. The new estate at Pointers Way already has it installed and we want the rest of Brockhill to enjoy similar benefit. Contact was made in February with Robert Stepniewski, Project Manager at WCC, who responded with a summary of the current and proposed situation. Last week a notice was attached to BT cabinet number 53, situated on the corner of Butlers Hill Lane. The notice advised residents of the proposed installation of a fixed line fibre broadband telecoms cabinet. Residents have 21 days in which to make representations regarding the development. We are waiting to find out if this cabinet will feed all of the other cabinets in Brockhill or if they will be adapted independently. A brief report will be posted on the website.

Action DD

3. New Road Signage :

RL confirmed that he has ordered the new sign to be placed on Brockhill Drive at the Bromsgrove Highway end which will be marked Brockhill/Batchley. There have also been some new directional signs displayed further up Brockhill Drive.

4. Sale of Land at Rear of Carthorse Lane:

Persimmon Homes are in the process of selling the land behind four houses in Carthorse Lane. RL assured us that this will not encroach on the path used by walkers, which is a public right of way. It is only the owners of houses on the right of the path who have been given the option to buy the land. 

5. Nature Reserve Path:

We are awaiting confirmation from Pattie Hill that a more absorbent surface has been ordered to be placed at the top of the path, where rain water collects, thus making the land extremely slippery. Also the sides at the bottom of the new gate need to be blocked off with chicken-wire or the like to prevent young children and dogs from falling down the steep slope on to Brockhill Lane.

Action PH 

6. New Membership Leaflets – Print & Distribution:

Once provided with relevant details, AP will design a new leaflet for distribution via the local newspaper to cover all areas of Brockhill. This will hopefully increase our membership numbers.

Action AP

7. PACT Meetings:

RL informed the meeting that cut-backs had resulted in the police being unable, currently, to provide officers to attend the Batchley & Brockhill PACT meetings. Also a suitable venue was still being sought. PACT meeting dates and venues should be displayed on the West Mercia Police website.

8. Walking Maps & Leaflets:

We plan to have printed walking maps and leaflets to assist members in getting to know our area better and exploring the nearby countryside. These will indicate how the pathways around Brockhill link up to some great walks. It was felt that Persimmon Homes should be contacted to see whether they would like their name shown on the maps/leaflets in return for some form of sponsorship. Anthony Green at “Redditchwalks.org.uk” will be contacted to ascertain what existing maps are available. 

We are also planning a competition in which residents will be asked to propose names for the open spaces around Brockhill.

Action DD & JV

9. Litter Pick:

With the better weather on its way, we are planning a Saturday morning Litter Pick. This will hopefully bring the community together with a good team effort of looking after our habitat. Posters will be displayed on the two notice boards to let residents know the date, time and place to meet. JD will also organise some laminated notices to be placed in strategic positions around the “dog walkers’ fields”. Litter picking equipment and bin bags will be provided, but bring your own gloves if required.

Action JD

10. Paths leading nowhere on Pointers Way:

At the last meeting JD voiced his concern about paths on the Pointers Way estate that presently do not seem to lead anywhere. RL met with Persimmon’s Planning Officers in November and was informed that some of the paths will lead up to the new school which, subject to planning permission, could be open by September 2017. JD asked RL if B.R.A. representatives could attend the next planning consultation meeting, so that we can ensure that the development of community facilities are sufficient, as these are sadly lacking in Brockhill at present.

Action RL

11. Greenford Close Litter Bin:

We have reminded PH about the need for a litter bin on the path adjacent to Greenford Close. At present there is considerable amount of rubbish in the ditch. There is a suitable area for a bin on a small grass area near to the path.

Action PH

12. Pathway needed at Brockhill Drive/Lily Green Lane Traffic Island:

RL has assured us that he will be able to provide the funding for this path once we enter the new financial year. He appreciates that this is a busy junction and that the lack of a pathway makes it extremely difficult for pedestrians to cross at peak traffic times.

The meeting ended at 9.10 p.m.